Getting past what others will think?

If you want something bad enough you will do it.
Saying you are conflicted means you lack the will to do it.
Everybody seems to be conflicted these days or they make up excuses for not doing something they want to do.
There will always be people that don't approve of things you do and you can't change that but are you going to let them run your life for you?
7 years

What about natural appetite stimulants?

You are a semi buffed out skinny guy Kkt and I am an obese woman who used to be a gainer that started off skinny. So who would you take advice from if you wanted to gain?

We can agree to disagree and I am good with that.
If there were a supplement that actually worked well don't you think you would have found it in an online search?
Also wouldn't it be a well known thing in the gaining community?
7 years

What about natural appetite stimulants?

There always seem to be this idea that there is some magic pill to make you get fat or to make you eat more.
In order to gain you have to eat more and it takes effort on your part to gain.
If you aren't willing to commit to it then you shouldn't gain.
7 years

Went out tonight with some slight padding

I would love to know if classmates ask if you have gained weight.
Or asked if you were pregnant like SahX suggested.
7 years

Fupa questions

I never thought of such a thing but if you guys can do it I think thats amazing.
7 years

Heavy cream results and timelines.

Just remember weight gain takes a while its not an overnight thing It might be a month before you see any tangible weight gain that actually sticks.
The main thing is keep to your plan and don't give up.
You might get discouraged and think its not working Just don't give up.
7 years

Heavy cream results and timelines.

Like nate said don't over do it at first because your body isn't used to it. You need to start slow with the heavy cream and build up to it.
Snacking more in between meals or eating larger portions at meal time always helps too.
I would have no idea about what your wife notices.
7 years

Heavy cream results and timelines.

How do you know heavy cream won't cause you to gain weight?
Seems you have a defeatist attitude going into this gain thing.
All you can do is try and see what happens.
7 years

How does it feel to be obese?

I have been obese long enough that it feels normal.
To me it feels like things like chairs have gotten smaller,getting into a car is a chore/workout.
Tying your shoes for example I have to sit on my bed and throw one leg up kind of to the side to tie my shoes. Doing it the way thin people do isn't a choice and its not happening with my belly in the way.
7 years

Went out tonight with some slight padding

Interesting take and sounds like maybe something you can do to appease your desire to look bigger.
Aren't clothes awfully lumpy and hot ?
I have a guy friend that is a drag performer and he makes his figure look female by using foam padding. He said there are you tube videos showing how to make stuff like that.
How much different would it be to make padding to make you look bigger?
Just a thought.
7 years