Ffas and big moobs

I have a thing for guys with monster bellies and big moobs are part of the package LOL
Yeah I like em.
8 years


I am curious too.
8 years

Gaining with soft limits

I have done that a few times but always seem to go past my limits eventually.
8 years

Belly drop

I have a big lower belly so I guess it would be considered a hanging belly.
8 years

At what weight do you become too fat to do things

Its different for most people I would think.
Heels hurt my ankles so 3 in is about as high as I can go.
8 years

Why does it seem like most male gainers are gay?

I don't think most are gay but a few I know are.
I think the numbers would be the same percentage wise as any group of people
8 years

Belly drop

Too many variables so it wouldn't be the same for each person.
8 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I tried heavy cream for about two weeks.
Really hated the taste and the consistency.
I would drink a pint a day for two days the off two days.
I had been on a gaining cycle anyway so I'm not sure if it did much.
8 years

Plateau vs. me

Good luck with the plan.smiley
When I was a gainer years ago I would get plateaus all the time but just kept eating the same amount and after a while I would gain again.
I don't try and gain now but I always seem to
8 years

Weight gain since being a member ff

Kristal you are so sweet I'm glad we are friends

I came back to FF in 2014 just to browse after a big weight loss and now I am just a hair bigger than I was when I left the first time so yes just being here makes me gain,LOL
Well I am a compulsive overeater so thats the main reason but being here does help not to feel alone.
8 years