Weight gain since being a member ff

Way more than I ever expected.
8 years

Burgeoning bubble butts.

I have a shelf butt does that count?
9 years

Weeklong experiment

I don't know if you would want to eat a huge meal after bloating with water.
Probably make me sick.
9 years

Favorite comment

I told a guy once he had a great belly and he just looked at me with a WTH look on his face.
9 years

Bhm belly size

Depends on the rest of the dude's body.
To be honest looking at your pic I like the belly you have just like it is.
9 years

Are you curious about gaining?

Can't wait to see it JB *giggle*
9 years

Arms face chin

No matter how much I gain my arms are spindly and my face never gets rounder.
Not sure why but I would love to have a chubby face and fat arms.
9 years

Attempted sit-ups

No way I could do one.
9 years

Fat, glutonous, bi piggy?

Awesome dreams I wish I had dreams like that.
9 years

Girls who like girls bellies:)

I agree with Monokuma.
While a nice fat boy belly is hot a girl belly of any size is very attractive.
I swing both ways BTW.
9 years