Is there really much of an immobility interest?

I am not into that. I still like to do things, and having someone who can't leave the house is not my thing. But if other people are into it, fine.
13 years

Haven't told my boyfriend...

Tell him you know of someone who is gaining weight on purpose, and see his reaction. If it's good, tell him you are considering it too.
14 years

Fantasy bbw

Maybe putting this on the LGBT section would help
14 years

Fat liberation and us

My wife and I were active on the inside of NAAFA in the 1990's. We were not involved with the policy making, but did a lot of the leg work, including dealing with the media.

It is uneblievable how bad the media is. Even the local news tries to make fat people look like Jerry Springer guests. The first thing they like to ask is about how 2 fat people have sex. At a serious national convention we try to get them to focus on our experiences at the workshops. But all they want is videos of people eating. We try to show them fashionable clothes at the fashion shows. But they would rather show a women in her bikini and make comments.

Some of the old NAAFA members will remember footage from a NAAFA convention that ended up in a porn movies called "The Sex O'Clock News." It showed NAAFA members put to the sound track of pigs snorting.

So, NAAFA needs to be really careful in what the media sees. If there were 200 people who accepted their weight, and 2 people who were trying to gain, the media would focus on the 2 people gaining on purpose and say everyone in NAAFA wants to gain on purpose. That would deflect NAAFA's message.

All a person has to do is listen to Glen Beck, and you'll understand the stereotypes that NAAFA deals with, dealing with the media.
14 years

Personal trainer fattens

Gaining all at one time, and losing it is quite a bit different than someone who has been fat for a long time. He probably will lose it, but it won't prove anything.
14 years

Observations on straight guys' dating ads here

I think people have to realize that people are here for different reasons. And it's good that people who want sex place sex ads. Because if a woman is looking for a relationship, they can rule out the men who place sex ads. If a man only wants a certain size or shape belly, then he probably is not looking for a friendly compassionate woman. So, if a woman is friendly and compassionate, those traits would be wasted.

If someone who is a "douchebag" places a "douchebag" ad, then be glad. When the "douchebags" start placing nice ads, then it is time to worry.

And I can't understand women who leave this site because some of the men are "douchebags." How many men do you want? You only need one good one.
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

I think this belongs on the "gross" discussion
14 years

The realization that your ugly

You just have to keep going. I dread when people ask me for a picture. Because the next thing that happens when I am Yahoo IM is "so and so signed out." Another conversation ruined by my picture.
14 years

Observations on straight guys' dating ads here

One reason there seems to be so many creeps, is because they flitter around over and over again like butterflies, and tend to annoy every woman because they keep looking for someone who will aceept their creepyness.

The good ones will zero in on women who interest them, and then stay for a while. So they may not contact as many women.
14 years

Mclovin it!!

How do you get cheeseburgers for breakfast? They never serve me lunch until 11:00 AM.
14 years