Growing up fat...

I was a fat kid. In summer camp, they had a pig calling contest for the final evening program, and the counselors picked me to be the pig. Then they found my parents would be there. They picked another pig, and I was upset.
14 years

Does anyone else ever feel like their partner is only interested in gaining?

Only time will tell. Go with it for now. Be prepared top break up if the relationship is not rewarding for both of you.
14 years


I have 8 cats, plus 2 strays
14 years

Question from a feeder

It is never a good idea for and FA to be with someone who does not like being big. Probably not a good idea for anyone to be with a someone who does not like being big. They are pretty miserable and hate themselves.
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

I thought a fetish was a sexual attraction to a non-human element. If so, then attraction to large people is not a fetish, nor can you have a non-sexual fetish since it is sexual by definition.
14 years

Newbie gainer :3

people should not gain for anyone but themselves. If you gain weight, you may not be able to lose it. If you want to spend your life as a BBW, that is great. But if it is not your thing, you shouldn't gain. It's a lifelong commitment with lifelong results.
14 years

"fake" fat admirers..

I think it is a good possibility that SOME of the men who comment and are rude to fat women are secretly attracted to them. But they are affraid to admit it to anyone (including themselves.)

After all, if you don't like something, do you waste your time talking about, looking at it, or bothering with it. The normal thing to do is just ignore it.
14 years