Where does the fat go when you gain?

It really depends. The type of stress in you life can determine where you gain. Also if your someone who stuffs all the time. Then yes a lot of your weight will go to your belly.
4 years

Have you ever made something buckle under your weight?

I have had a few folding chairs bend on me before I really started to gain weight.

Have had a few desk chairs just all of a sudden give up and next thing I know I'm on the floor Was in one place for dinner that had plastic chairs. I could feel the legs of the chair moving apart as I sat there. Before long I was more or less supporting my self before the chair broke.
4 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

Penetration is an issue for me. I have a big fat pad right above my unit. The last girl I was with. She was north of 300 and I was north of 400. Are bellies was in the way. Or I . could just barely get in. So I think its safe to say I have reached the point of. To fat for sex
4 years

Feeder wife gets buyers remorse.

My wife overfed me for years. First serving at dinner piled high. Sometimes an extra plate without asking. If she went to get takeout she'd bring me back enough for two or three people. For instance there was this Mexican take out stand we would get often. I'd say that I wanted a chile verde burrito. She'd get me the burrito and order a bunch of other stuff as well: tacos , tamales etc knowing that I'd eat it

This really started to happen when she went on a diet and started losing weight. She was a big girl when we met. I was overweight as well but just by like 20 lbs or so. But about eight years later I was over 400 pounds and now I'm 450+.

We are separated now and I think part of it is because my excess weight is just too much for her both practically and sexually. I think part of her all these years was thinking "let me see how fat I can get him" but now it's a bit buyers remorse. I'm nearing 500 lbs and I think it's just too much for her knowing that in the near or distant future I will need someone's to take care of me.

It sounds to me that at the time when the two of you meet. She enjoyed bigger men. When she decided to start losing weight would have bin my first question. Anyway at one point when you realize that something is starting to become real. Instead of dealing with the consequence. They decide it's time to go. Best of luck man.
4 years

A sensitive subject....maybe?

Trans men can get pregnant, in fact one of my male trans friends is pregnant right now. I know biologically he was born female but he’s still a man gender wise. As for cis men, I don’t really know if they would want the ability to get pregnant, or at least a large number wouldn’t.

Congratulations to the expecting father!

But yeah, I think it comes down to why implant a fetus where its not supposed to be and endanger everyone involved when it's easier to design a stand-alone artificial womb. It's already a massive engineering challenge that we havent tackled yet without requiring it to be able to fit and operate inside of a living cis man. Let's get proof of the basic concept first.

He may have went through the gender reassignment surgery but he was still born with a uterus. And that is not the same thing as if implanting a uterus in to someone who was born a man and never had one to begin with. The hip structure is not the same nor is the pelvic bone.
4 years

A sensitive subject....maybe?

It can be done. it can be dangerous for both the man and the fetus. And there isn't really a reason for this to really be explored.

I know that there are risks, but women have had to go through just as many or more risks since the beginning. I don't understand why there isn't at least some kind of call to action to at least start looking into the matter more.

Unless there is ever a population problem. There really is no reason to do this. Maybe if you find a doctor willing to do the operation. But that doctor is taking a huge risk.

In fact everyone involved would be taking a huge risk.
4 years

A sensitive subject....maybe?

It can be done. it can be dangerous for both the man and the fetus. And there isn't really a reason for this to really be explored.
4 years

Tight tight skin

Gained so much the last few months my skin is so tight. How long does it take to loosen up and get flabby??

Basically your skin has to be torn to shreds to make room. Luckily, instead of exploding, you just get stretch marks. Also, once you're massive, it will take a lot more weight gain to stretch out your skin (your volume to surface ratio increases as you grow, if you were to consider yourself a spherical cow), which gives your skin more time to sag.
There's also genetics to consider--some people are just saggier.

So after a certain point stretch marks kinda stop unless you keep rapidly gaining

Well ya. Your skin will catch up and the redness will go away. But the marks will still be there. Now if you just keep pushing then ya. You will get some serious upset looking stretch marks. Remember your skin is ripping to expand .
4 years

Finally too big for an airplane seat

Last time I went on a family trip I weighed 250lbs, I was oozing into my mother’s seat, the arm rests dig into my fat sides, the airplane seatbelt dug into my gut causing my belly to jut forward so much that my shirt rode up exposing the bottom of my belly.
We are going on a trip next month and my moms trying to make me pay for an extra seat so I don’t “spill into anyone’s space”. Also to add salt to the wound, she said “and how embarrassing it will be when you need to ask for a seatbelt extender.”
I’m considering not going on this trip but it’s my cousins wedding in another country so I might just have to lose weight.

If your willing to do some research you can order and Cary your own seatbelt extender. I bough my own had it in my carry on and pulled it out had had it on long before it was even an issue.
4 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

I can do two large deep dish. Now there is a 8 hour span between the two. I can’t back to back them my self yet.
4 years