Pro-big girl songs!

Why are we only allowed to post one? There are so many good ones.

AC/DC - Whole Lotta Rosie
Spinal Tap - Big Bottom
Poison - Unskinny Bop
The Grateful Dead - I Need a Miracle
Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
De La Soul - Baby Phat
Everything ever recorded by Doctor Scott...

That's just off the top of my head.
14 years

Gamers question ( xbox v.s. ps3)

Here are a few points that I haven't seen mentioned yet.

If you're looking into buying a PS3, it might be worth it to you to hunt down an older 60 or 80 gig one, as those are backwards compatible with PS2 and PS1 games. If you like playing older games as well as the new ones, you'll have access to the best games released for any system in the last 15 years. And they're dirt cheap as well. I just picked up a used copy of The Getaway on PS2 for $2 at a local Gamestop. On the downside, these rare PS3s will be more expensive, even used. It just depends on whether or not it's worth it to you. The Xbox360 is backwards compatible with older Xbox games as well, but Microsoft didn't have a very strong showing in the games department until the 360, in my opinion.

As far as downloadable games go, the PS3 is the only system that has Fat Princess, which you want. On the other hand, XBLA is an easier platform to develop for, and as a result, you end up with a ton of quality indie games that you don't get on PSN. That isn't to say that the selection of PSN games is subpar, though. They still have a number of good ones, including Fat Princess after all. If you're into online multiplayer, more people own Xboxes, and so you'll find more people to play with online. The downside is that you have to pay a subsciption fee, whereas it's free on the Playstation.

Personally, I'm avoiding Xbox products like the plague, just because I'm cheap, and I can't afford to replace it if it breaks (and they usually do).
14 years

My girlfriend is losing weight

Hi everyone, I haven’t posted here in years, but recently I’ve found myself in a dilemma and hoped that I could get some of your sage advice. For the last 4 years, I’ve been going out with a beautiful SSBBW woman, and it’s been a pretty good relationship for the most part, but recently things have taken a turn for the worse for several reasons. One of which is that a few months ago, she decided that she wants to lose a lot of weight for her health. She’s lost at least 70 pounds so far, and there’s no sign of slowing down soon. Needless to say, I’m pretty disappointed with this turn of events. At first, I tried gently talking her out of it, but she couldn’t see my viewpoint, and we just ended up getting into a fight. I realized that she is dead set on it, and I later tried asking her to at least not discuss the details of it or update me on her progress. However, she says that I’m being unsupportive, and we just ended up in another fight.

Since then, my lips have been tightly sealed on the subject, but I can’t help but feel frustrated. Every time I get reminded of her weight loss efforts, which is often, I start feeling a little angry or depressed. Still, there’s a nagging voice in the back of my mind that thinks that I’m being a bad boyfriend if I’m not completely and openly supportive of her. Even so, it’s not enough to make me feel any less bitter about it. I try to SAY supportive things when she brings up the topic, but it usually comes off sounding pretty forced, and I’m sure she can tell. Is it wrong to feel this kind of resentment? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Let me know.
14 years

How would you decorate your mad scientist lab?

1. Trap door at the entrance leading to tank filled with those dynamite sharks from the Batman movie.

2. A trained henchman with a bear trap for teeth who obeys only me.

3. Outside of my inner sanctum, a racially mixed group of three 60's-like girls who know martial arts lounges on pleather sofas.

4. A giant wall of video monitors. No idea what would be displayed on them, but its a necessity.

5. A secret escape route that leads directly to a major river, snow-covered mountain slope, or space rocket (depending on the location of my lair.)

6. Interrogation room with restraints designed to hold invading secret agents. There would also be a rack of polished surgical instruments in the same room, possibly including a speculum.

Oh wait, these are supposed to have a feeding element to them right? Never mind, back to the drawing board I guess.
14 years

Similarities that we all share, but never mention.

Ok, I'll participate.

I'm very precise about the way I do certain everyday tasks. I count brush strokes when brushing my teeth, making sure to get 90 brushes total, 30 on each side. I do something similar when washing my hair, making sure to lather an even 40 times. And when I eat waffles, I make sure that there is syrup in EVERY square. Yeah, I don't have OCD, by the way. I swear.

Oh, and when I don't have anything to say, I usually say "so anyways...", which has led to some confusion as people then assume I have something to say next. So it's not ALWAYS about food.
14 years

As a kid did you...

Absolutely. I used to do that all the time. I started out tracing figures from an art book, and then after a while I tried drawing my own. Sometimes I kept adding layers of fat until they practically filled the page. Of course at the time I had no idea what very fat women even looked like, so it was mostly just guesswork. I eventually stopped doing this when I discovered internet porn.
14 years