How can i convince my girlfriend to get fat?

Not gonna do a thing and gonna let this fetish slide. Love her too much.

Did you ever give her even some small hints that you find her beautiful and don't necessarily want her to get even thinner?
Did you ever give her some small hints that if she gained weight you would still find her attractive?
Did you ever give her some small hints that it's not only thin girls you could be attracted to, and there have been girls larger than here before her who you liked?

How did she react?
5 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My stuffing fantasy is mostly about a woman stuffing herself, who, after the pain threshold, suddenly feels more and more hungry the more stuffed she becomes, the pain from the pressure in her stomach sending similar signals to the brain as the ones a starved body sends.

After she is so full she can't eat even a crumb more without help, she feels she is starving, and begs me to help feeding her.
5 years

Constructive criticism, comments, etc.

Yes, I like comments on my stories, especially if there are questions about the characters themselves, because then I know what info might be missing from the story and I can then either answer it or edit that info into the story.

There is a very hard character limit on comments, and the software doesn't warn you, it will just chop off the ending if it's too long. You'll have to experiment with it. If you post a comment longer than a short sentence or two, I recommend writing it in another software first, or at least copy it to the clipboard first, so if it'll get cropped you can then split it into two comments and post them separately.
5 years

What is the difference

BMI can often be misleading. It disregards bone structure, muscle mass, and several other factors.

I would consider the transition between chubby and fat when someone can no longer hide being overweight by clothing choice, clever posture, and sucking the belly in.

I would say the transition between merely fat and obese is when your weight starts imposing limits and starts making some things difficult, like tying shoelaces, or fitting into places.
5 years

Who are the doms and who are the subs?

Is there a "nice guy" side of this? Because that would fit me the most.

Complete adoration, but without being submissive.
5 years

Are there any yo-yo gainers here?

I'm a gainer and never intend to lose weight but it's happened a bunch of times throughout my life.

It's interesting to see that in this relatively niche field we are in, there is still a great variety of desires and preferences.

Usually the three major desires are not equally important for gainers:
- love for food
- love for being large
- love for the process of getting bigger.

How do you balance these?

Unless you are into immobility, I would guess you do (or will have) a limit. I remember seeing you around the first time a few years ago, you were almost half your current size. If you continue like this, you'll have some real adjustments to make, I would guess. Or do you just go with the flow, not caring what will happen? I'm curious how someone who doesn't want to ever lose weight thinks about what she will do if/when she gets to impractical sizes.
5 years

Are there any yo-yo gainers here?

Are there gainers for whom the act of getting fatter is more important than being fat?

So that when you reach a size which starts getting impractical, you deliberately lose some weight so you can begin your gaining journey again?

If so, how did you develop this habit? Was it your plan from the beginning, or was it only later that you realized you are getting too fat for your comfort but still wanted to gain, and have chosen this as a solution?

Did the reverse happen to anyone? That you wanted to yo-yo, but then later started to enjoy the weight itself and continued past your old limit?
5 years

Is anybody else out there having trouble with psychos?

I've seen so many cute BBWs disappear a few days or weeks after they created an account... maybe due to similar harassment?

Well, the bullies and trolls don't have any actual leverage, so we should train ourselves to not be affected by them. They write something hurtful? It's just a few pixels on the screen we can report and then ignore.
5 years

Let’s make a short list of kinks we have

- almost uncontrollable appetite
- gaining weight, not necessarily deliberately, but at least accepting it without much regret.
- very long hair
5 years