Gain 10 pounds or give up sex?

If you know how to lose weight, it's not such a big deal. Honestly though, I'm pretty sure a lot of people on FF would agree with those women about them rather giving up sex then gaining 10 pounds, despite this being a Fat admiring website. There isn't anything wrong with that really, some people are just very unhappy with the way they look and they'll do anything to change it.

Hopefully those people find happiness.

Please do Neko, please do haaha
14 years

Starcraft 2

Terran tanks for the win.
Protoss are scum.
14 years

Who would you turn gay/straight for?

My friend Joe and the Tri-Force! haha

....possibly Clint Eastwood and I'd do ANYTHING for Bruce Lee if he were still alive.
14 years


okapi wrote
Now, Transformers for me was the comic, not the cartoon. I grew up with the comic, and when I first saw the cartoon as a twentysomething I was pretty disappointed by how much simpler it was in terms of plot and characters.

Anyway, favourite characters. Well, I've always been partial to Shockwave. More intelligent, stronger and cooler looking than Megatron, he always seemed like a more suitable leader. Another favourite of mine is Thunderwing. I love the Matrix Quest story arc, and I think it's a shame we never got to see how Thunderwing measured up to Megatron/Galvatron, Shockwave or Scorponok.

As for Autobots, I kind of like Fortress Maximus. He's like a bigger, stronger, louder and more violent version of Optimus Prime, which makes him more flawed, in a way, and therefore more likable. I think I might have to name Grimlock my second favourite Autobot, simply because he's so different from Optimus. I really liked the civil war story arc from the comics.

Thank you lol.. This is the kind of response I was hoping for. I agree, Shockwave was an awesome character. I never read the comic book and I'm sure they are awesome, but I enjoyed Shockwave as well from the cartoon and animated movie (even though he dies in this). Another very intelligent character though that could have been leader is soundwave though... Always loved him.

P.S. I was never a big Prime Fan either, I don't like Jesus Characters haha
14 years


Well, I se my thread got trolled and derailed pretty fast rofl...
Oh well.

I personally watched Ninja Turtles and Transformers and a lot of other shows when I was little... not like it matters. They were both good.
14 years


Alright, I've been playing Transformers: War on Cybertron and love it. It's awesome and based on the old cartoon and yeah, it does it amazingly well and I was just wondering...

Who were FF's favorite Transformers? Try to pick 2 from the Autobots and 2 from the Decepticons.

Mine are...
Autobots - Cup and Ironhide. Ironhide because he's the badass of the group. He's always look'n for a fight and is just all around a tough Guy. Cup, again a tough guy, but he's also the old wise man of the group...the old war vet. Good character.

Decepticon - Starscream because he's such a weasle who has loyalty to no one and would backstab anyone in a heart beat for full control. Megatron/Galvatron (basically the same person) because of his ruthlessness. Question him? Better be ready to be shot threw the chest.

14 years

My girlfriend is losing weight

Her body, let her be happy with it. If you can't deal with it, find someone else. Maybe she'll change her mind, maybe she won't...either way, try to both be happy.
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

Honestly, if the zombie apoc happens I'm kicking all of you outta my shelter. I'm surviving, GET AWAY FROM MY FOOD/WATER/AIR/FACE. I KILL YOU.
14 years

Growing up fat...

OniGumo wrote
DorianGray wrote
I was made fun of for my weight when I was younger, but mostly by my family. I was by no means fat, just chubby and the only people that really seemed to care was my mom and brother who were complete ***s to me.

But yeah, no one ever really made fun of me in school... Everyone was scared shitless of me because I was so weird and they thought I was a serial killer haha... that or some of them just thought I was really funny

I wonder if your class-mates ever heard the "Halloween" theme when you walked into a room, lol

It's quite possible. Back in middle school and early high school I would constantly talk to myself or the wall.. I would stare people down without realizing it... I would get this extremely intense look on my face while twirling a pencil staring off into nothing looking like I'm about to stab something.... Uhh, I also did all my reports on Adolf Hitler, Pablo Escubar, the Mafia and lots of other horrific people so I doubt that helped much either haha
14 years