Being ashamed of your fetish


Don't worry, alot of people have been in the same position before, I know I was before I found this place.

Growing up as a teenager, hearing other guys talk about what they found hot and what turned them on, silly common things like big boobs and a nice ass. I was different though, the only thing which has ever turned me on has been weight gain, be it my own or that of others.

I hated myself so much for it, felt I was a freak, having to live with this secret shame. Then I found Fantasy Feeder. smiley

Hang around here for a while, read the forums, look at pics and vids, talk to others. You'll quickly find you're not alone, you're not a freak, you just have more unique tastes.

Whenever that fact concerns you, feel free to come back here to "home" where the community is only too happy to welcome anyone and everyone, regardless of their particular interest. smiley
11 years

What's the 1 thing that....

jowy wrote:
I wish I could just be normal.

God yes, I think this way too often for it to be healthy. :\
11 years

Favorite cartoon

silence wrote:
Looney Tunes,by Warner smiley Bugs Bunny, Duffy dyck,Yosemittie Sam, etc ;p and Pokemon ! smiley

Agreed, Looney Toons is the classic cartoon, Taz is my favourite. smiley
11 years

New website for fat geeks!!

p0ckets wrote:
Pig fighter.

Drunk person in pig outfit who fights corrupt police officers.

Haha, I get it, so not only are you a Pig that fights, you also fight Pigs! xD
11 years

Star wars episode vii....

okapi wrote:
unless they bring on Michael Bay.

Ha, a 3 hour montage of explosions from the previous 6 films? smiley

I'm positive, purely because I think the universe has so much more to offer, there is so many more books, games and merchandise out there that only serious fans are aware of.

Good, bad or ugly, this will keep the original masterpiece relevant to future generations for years to come.
11 years

Favorite super hero?

Iron Man would have to be my favourite Marvel hero, thanks to Robert Downey Jr being an awesome actor.

Cyclops is my favourite X-Men

Batman used to be my favourite DC hero, but I recently found out about Booster Gold and he is so cool.

But my all time favourite would have to be the one I created myself. smiley
11 years

Digging up disappointment

You know what's crazy? Doduo and Dodrio can, and always have been able to learn fly.


Anyway, my biggest concern with Pokemon and Moves is Mawile not learning more steel attacking moves like Metal Claw or Bullet Punch...
11 years


Working on mine again, as I do every year. I love how much it has grown outside of Australia! smiley
11 years

Weightloss fetish?

lionheart wrote:
Yes I'd say I fall into two subcategories; skinny people getting fat and fat people losing weight.

Curious, so i'm guessing before and after pics would be awesome to you no matter which way you look at them? smiley

I admit I had visions of someone being into weightloss going to thinspo sites like we come here, but I guess it's more about the change from one extreme to the other rather than the whole thin to bones look they push.
11 years

Feeding machines?

I don't think they really exist, outside of using a funnel.

Maybe one day some scientists and engineers with an interest in feederism can make one. smiley
11 years