Affordable ways to gain weight?

Pasta with creamy sauces. Minimal prep time and clean up, maximum benefit. You can cook cook a whole package and have leftovers for tomorrow....or not 😉
3 years

Writing withdrawal

You didn't say which story, so I haven't read it and don't know how it ends. Is there a possible sequel? Can you further explore those characters in other aspects of their lives? (Work, social, future endeavors, etc?) Other scenarios you can put them in? Do they do any travelling (I always find discovering new foods exciting)?
Another option: Start creating new characters. Just start sketching them out and what they're going to do will come as you get to know them.
3 years

Post gain thoughts

Do an experimental gain, if you like it and you're happy keep going until you're not. I gained about 20lbs last year, lost it all this spring and found I missed it. I'm gaining it back, maybe more, but I do have my own limits. I have beautiful bone structure in my face and don't want to bury that too deep. I want to remain fairly active, so when my movement starts to be affected beyond what is comfortable for me I'll stop. This is something I control, no one else. I think that's one of the big differences between a gainer and a feedee that people fail to consider. It's your body and your life, enjoy it!
3 years

Any other male feedees?

It's hard to find any relationship here, I think. It's a fantasy site, most people seem to prefer to keep it that way.
3 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

I think it’s disgusting that u make money on people’s sexual desires. It’s not like that they can help them. It’s just as bad as if someone charged u to eat food or go to the bathroom

Is that redundant? People do get paid to eat and excrete to get others off
3 years

Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

Any girl would like to speak? Please speak smiley

We did. You may have noticed we stopped when the men started. This thread has nothing to do with you.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

Well, it depends on the woman and what she wants or doesn't want. Unless they intentionally want to gain it often seems to take getting knocked up, and/or finding some abusive asshole (in childhood or adulthood) who abuses and demeans them until they start eating their feelings of inadequacy. Sometimes it's an office job. Sometimes it's a drinking problem (see above). Sometimes it's an illness or hormonal imbalance (Google PCOS) Not all women get fat.
3 years

A weight gain shake question


Before I begin, these are my experiences with "Serious Mass." I'm not sure if "Mass Gainer" is a different brand but I suspect all of these weight gain powders are equally awful. They do have some upsides, but there's better places to get those advantages.

I tried mass gainer, it was terrible and I ended up throwing out about 3/4 of a can. I followed the recipe and nearly blew up the motor in my blender- thick isn't even the word. Once I saw what it was I wouldn't have dreamt of trying to suck it through a straw. The taste isn't that great (being a chocoholic I went with chocolate, it was very bland) and the goo it created when wet was a pain in the butt to clean out of the blender and off the blades. I didn't see any more results than I get with heavy cream, which tastes better on it's own or mixes much easier with peanut butter, fruit, ice cream, etc. HC is also more versatile, you can pretty much build as many calories into it as you like (add ice cream, chocolate sauce, cake mix, etc). If you scroll the forums you will find a lot of good recipes for various weight gain shakes.
3 years

Annoying things about chatters

6. People who pm you with "you eating?" "What are you eating right now?" "How big is your ___(waist, ass, tits, etc) " without saying hello or otherwise acknowledging that there is an actual human being on the other side of the screen. (Or did I misnumber? Perhaps it is 2a or 3a)

7. People who don't bother to introduce themselves, read profiles, etc and just expect you to play along with whatever rp or scenario they have in mind whether you're into it or not.

8. People (mostly men, in my personal experience) who have to put down, name call, or publicly try to embarrass someone for not being into what they are, or getting turned off by them somehow and ending the chat.

9. People who put down sex workers for wanting to get paid. The industry wouldn't exist if it weren't for you.
3 years

How to be a dominant feeder for my bf.

In past general dom/sub relationships, I’ve found it’s been helpful to sit down with your partner and talk about what you both enjoy and maybe write down a list that you can both add to whenever you think of something you’d like to try. Communication outside the bedroom is the most important aspect of any dom/sub lifestyle in my experience.

I hope this was helpful in any way!

What they said 👆

Also, bring up limits. How fat do you want him and how fat is he willing to get?
Reading stories to each other can be a fun way to see what turns you on or doesn't, and may just give you some ideas 😉 Force/funnel feeding while bound is a personal favorite fantasy.

There are tons of great recipes in the forums, as well as information on how to get fat in a healthier way (lower risks of diabetes etc).
3 years