Thanks! Another note about world building, that I forgot to mention in my first post: I've noticed lately an uptick in stories that feature a Western expatriate ending up in a country where fat is revered. I love the trope myself, but if you write in a specific country or region (the Middle East seems to come up a lot), be sure to do a lot of research so you don't accidentally write something racist. Or, go the way of The Sacred Ritual or The Stowaway: Marooned and make up your own country. (But if you're going to make up your own country, have a handful of natives as characters who aren't all the same! Otherwise you risk construing stereotypes you might subconsciously associate with a specific culture.)
3 years
How do you feel about stories where the feedee is already dumb before any conditioning? Because if you like that my story Served on here might appeal to you...
3 years
Dropping some writing advice somewhat specific to feedism:
Develop your characters, develop your characters, develop your god damn characters. Unless you're writing a short vignette, they should have lives and personalities and individual voices. Maybe friends and a day job and hobbies. Can I read about a character being essentially a 500-pound dildo or fleshlight while their partner simps and thinks of nothing but their body? Maybe for 500 words. After that I get bored. Tell me who your characters are and why they want what they want!
Consider your characters and your audience. Are you writing solely for the seasoned feedist? Are your characters in an established feeder and feedee relationship? If so, feel free to use the lingo of the kink. Are you writing about beginning feedists? Maybe consider them learning the lingo together? Are you writing something you hope the civilians will enjoy too? Give them a little backstory, make them sympathize with the reasons the MC wants to be fat.
Dialogue is everything, both internal and spoken. Consider your MC's internal monologue and take into account their heritage, socioeconomic position, personality, sexuality, and neurotype, esp if working in first person but this can also apply to third-limited. Practice your dialogue out loud to see if it seems realistic with your character. Are they wordy, or minimalist? Are they more visual or tactile when it comes to stimulation? How do they view the world around them and how do they view their partner? Do they have any verbal or mental quirks? And how do they describe the sensation of fat? Is it more a casual pleasure, an accident, or a need?
Finally and this goes across the board for all stories: exclude extraneous detail. If you mention a gun in chapter 1 it had better go off before the end of the story. At the same time, don't leave out necessary detail. Don't write the Christian Grey of feedism; if you're going to introduce a billionaire feeder at least explain where this money is coming from, etc. Tie up your plot holes.
For more general writing advice I would highly recommend Jenna Moreci's channel on youtube.
3 years
Last night I got irresponsibly drunk (at home; not yet eligible for vaccination and not tryna catch covid at the clu
and I ordered a fat suit. Yes, it was a drunk purchase, but I'm really excited for it to arrive. I feel a little weird, because I know fat people have been saying for ages that fat suits are shitty and if you want to learn about fatphobia just listen to fat people...but I'm not trying to conduct a """""social experiment""""" or anything. I literally just bought this thing to use in my own home because I have a fetish.
3 years
Just don't make it about sex.
"I like the way I look and I would rather focus on my career/hobbies than worry about changing my weight. People of any size deserve respect and if it's health you're concerned about, thin people can be unhealthy too you know. Do you also raise your health concerns up with drinkers and smokers you know?"
Or, "I love my partner no matter what and yes, that means I love them at their current size. They're not interested in trying fad diets which by the way, are unsustainable and most of the time unhealthy anyway. They're a beautiful person inside and out and if you care about me you'll embrace them and be happy for me."
Lay it out objectively and stand. Your. Ground.
3 years
Oh, absolutely, agreed on all parts. And diet companies rely on keeping people fat and unhappy so we'll keep buying their crappy products and services that don't work.
3 years
In this essay I'm gonna pick apart why sizeism is a classist issue and how capitalism created and benefits from fatphobia, along with some other unsettling things.
So we've got the reubenesque era. What's up with that? A long time ago, it was fashionable to be fat. It meant you were either well-moneyed or well taken care of and you didn't have to work.
Enter capitalism. Alright. Your man works a 40 hour workweek and your lady stays home and takes care of the children. Nothing wrong there, ol boy is making enough money to feed everyone and keep the house. Oh, whoops, we went to war. Women started working in their husbands absence. This is good so far.
Roaring twenties. Women don't want to let go of their independence. Good. Flapper era! Yay! Except not. Because this is when thinness started being a trend for women because it was a sign of youthfulness. (Yikes can you say pedophilia?) Cigarette companies begin learning how to market and market themselves as a weight loss strategy for women. Anyone remember that Lucky Strike ad that says "reach for a Lucky instead of a snack"?
Big advertising has figured it out, by the 80s we have the aerobics kick. Thin is in at this point and fatphobia is digging its gross little nails into everything. Fen-fen starts being a thing (the diet pill). Fen-fen gets banned by the FDA for causing heart failure. Fast forward some more. You and your spouse both have to work full time because the wage has stagnated and everything else has inflated. You have no time to exercise and the easiest option for dinner is fast food because everyone in the house is too tired to cook.
And diet companies are still here ready to rescue you. Cool sculpting. Skinny tea. Keto. (Which by the way was developed for epileptic people.)
TLDR: Actually, fat is lovely. It has always been a sign of beauty and prosperity. Big business has just tricked most people into thinking they have to lose weight because companies can make a lot of money on weight loss products that don't work. Thinness is only considered attractive because it's expensive now.
3 years
I think it's important for feeders to examine their motivations for wanting to "keep their weight under control" in this kink. If you (a feeder) and your partner (a feedee) genuinely love the contrast, great! If they genuinely want you to be fit for them while they get fatter, also great! But if you're begrudgingly forcing yourself to stay thin because of societal expectations or internalized fatphobia it may be time to examine why society and the diet industry feel like you owe them the debt of thinness. You think fat is beautiful, right? If so, what's wrong with being ever so slightly soft?
Generally speaking, even if you and your feedee have an agreement where they want to blow up for you, any incidental weight gain on your part will probably be insignificant. But if you've examined your motivations and are still concerned about gaining, either for agreed upon aesthetic reasons or for maintaining strength as they get bigger and possibly less able to do things:
1. Keep both healthy and indulgent food in the house. That way they can load up on calorie-heavy food and you can eat with them but fill up on fruits, veg, healthy carbs like brown rice and whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats like nuts and avocados. And feed them some healthy food too, maybe dressed up with buttery cream sauces so they get their calories in but lbh there's nothing sexy about vitamin deficiency.
2. Maintain a regimen of daily activity. This can be anything from a 20 minute walk every day to some lifting. And if it's just a light walk honestly take them with you if they want to retain their mobility. A walk is also a great opportunity to talk about whatever is on your mind, your relationship, and the future.
3. For the love of god don't work a desk job. It's menial, it's boring, you sit on your ass all day and burn less calories than if you were sleeping. And you can make more money as a bartender and also be working on those sick guns hauling kegs of beer all day.
3 years
I'm usually the same way...which is why I wanted to reinvent the trope. Instead of "impersonal and dominating FA running a farm to fatten up feedees who will be known mostly through statistics and body descriptions" I want to be like "Hi, here's four feedees who end up at this camp and become best friends for life. One of them is a longtime feeder and his partner/feedee just came out as a switch so he's gonna try to put on some weight for her. One is on the run from the law and just trying to distance himself from his mugshot, but falls in love with the kink. One is a cocky celebrity gainer who's going to learn the meaning of friendship and solidarity. And one didn't really read the pamphlet but he's gonna have a good time anyway."
Featuring supporting mentors and on-site classes such as cooking, hunting, and golf; blackjack and darts in the rec room, characters dealing with and overcoming troubled pasts, vices, and personal flaws, and maybe a cute hurt/comfort plot where the career criminal falls for a sweet chubby on-site nurse.
3 years
In stories about characters going to a school/camp/other social setting meant to fatten up its residents?
I know there are a lot of these but do people like reading them?
I have an idea for one but I want to see if anyone will want to read it.
3 years