Consensual... abuse?

How do i even call it?
(also trigger warning)
I have this fantasy of being in the hands of a really strong feeder lady, and in it i love the aspect of her, playing around with my weaknesses in order to make / keep me gaining without asking. So that she can make me so fat that i end up being trapped with her.
For example, she can force me to have sex constantly, in ways that will make me incredibly addicted to her f*king me. Then she starts abusing that addiction by making me drink weight gain shakes everytime she's about to ride me, so much that i end up passing out right after sex. I even like the aspect of her low key threatening to beat me if i dont keep eating enough.

I know this is crazy, and i somehow ended up in a place where it turns me on a lot, i just wanted to know how realistic whould this be to play out in real life. (and what whould the safest way be)

This is feedism-based BDSM. Looks like you got a mix of sado-masochism, bondage, and consensual non-consent.

All of this is fine so long as you have clear boundaries between play and reality. If you don't, you are going to end up in a place you don't want to be.

How could consensual non-consent work on this? Im really curious
11 months

Consensual... abuse?

How do i even call it?
(also trigger warning)
I have this fantasy of being in the hands of a really strong feeder lady, and in it i love the aspect of her, playing around with my weaknesses in order to make / keep me gaining without asking. So that she can make me so fat that i end up being trapped with her.
For example, she can force me to have sex constantly, in ways that will make me incredibly addicted to her f*king me. Then she starts abusing that addiction by making me drink weight gain shakes everytime she's about to ride me, so much that i end up passing out right after sex. I even like the aspect of her low key threatening to beat me if i dont keep eating enough.

I know this is crazy, and i somehow ended up in a place where it turns me on a lot, i just wanted to know how realistic whould this be to play out in real life. (and what whould the safest way be)
11 months

What whould you want fantasy feeder to have?

With zero regards to the programmer's sanity and profits, what feature do you think whould be useful inside the Fantasy Feeder website?
(think outside of the box!)
11 months


Well isn't that embarrassing for me. Oh well, kinda new to the site, still figuring out the chats and notifications. Guess I stuck my foot in my mouth on that one. Sorry about that.

That's the slow way to learn 😂
The more of your mistakes you understand, the faster you learn!
11 months

Toxic behavior in relationships

There are so many its hard to pick just one thing.

What comes to mind first?
11 months

What ya listening to?

Amongst others, this song from the Spanish civil war
11 months

Fantasy feeder

Im talking about the lack of socialization in general. People rarely talk with other people of different age groups (that also have more experience on almost all aspects of life)

I mean the topic is kinda... Why not female feeders around? I have a few ideas. think of a very stereotypical bad male attitude. Dude that exclusively hangs out "with the boys" and never gets taught why to respect women (and other people in general) but instead his social enviroment pushes him in the direction of the attitude that to have a girlfriend is a man's trophy.

That's a very specific example, but in general the problem is ignorance on people, i think. Wich is caused by the lack of care for the reasons i mentioned earlier. I hope my point is at least somewhat clear?

It is clearer, yes.

I don't think it's entirely ignorance. There are many a guy who knows better but chooses not to be. You see it a lot from the guys who are cheating on their wives. But the worse ones are the "enlightened men".

These guys think that because the have all the "correct opinions" they are good people. But they still feel entitled to women for being "a good person."

I encounter both groups fairly regularly. The cheaters will treat women in ways their spouses wouldn't tolerate. The enlightened men will say all the right words for a while. However, if they are called out for saying or doing something out of picket, they will lash out.

Still, you're not entirely wrong.

Can you described in a bit more depth those enlightened ones? I don't think I've come across one to be fair (or at least haven't noticed) im really curious about it

You see it a lot with so-called "progressive" men. They'll tell you they believe in women's right, LGBTQIA+ rights, stand against racism, and all the other good things. But sometimes, they'll say something that's a little messed up. Maybe they'll make a racially insensitive joke or say something casually misogynistic.

I won't hold that part against them. To err is human and even the most progressive person will mess up. However, what makes these men stand out is that they've made "being a good person" their entire personality. So any time you point out something they shouldn't have said or done, they can't handle it.

They'll make all kinds of excuses as to why you're being too sensitive. Sometimes they'll try to gaslight you and accuse you of things you never did or said.

I remember one time talking to a white man in chat a long time ago. This was before I was comfortable revealing my race. The man was fairly progressive, so I eventually mentioned that I was black.

The guy was chill about it at first. And then he made a comment about loving how sassy black women are. Now, I am a sassy black woman, but I am not sassy because I'm black. And there are plenty of black women who aren't sassy.

I wasn't offended by what he said, but I did point out the inaccuracy of his statement. I expected him to say something along the lines of "oops, my bad" and then we'd move on. But no. The man had a melt down instead. Started accusing me of hating white men.

It was super weird, so I dipped.

Okay, that's definitely crazy. People like this don't really understand the world and what progressive movements are. I think they're just trying to be nice on the outside to be accepted by society (with mediocre results) and that's propably because of hyperindividualism and the isolation coming with it, that the beloved Liberal (in the American sense) ideology has brought to people.

We live in crazy times...
11 months

Fantasy feeder

That's not what I'm getting at. I won't deny that men and women approach things differently. But a lot of that is nurture over nature.

Here's a quick and dirty about what I mean:

I've never put much stock in the opinions of evolutionary psychology. It has a male, white, Western, cishet, traditional viewpoint. And while there's nothing wrong with being a white Western cishet traditional man, you have to admit it has a very limited viewpoint.

Or the lack of nurture. The amount of people who sadly end up having their lives sacrificed for the profit motive (instead of doing other thigns like taking *good* care of children) seems to be growing by the day!

Enas, I am confused. How does this tie in into anything either party has said?

Im talking about the lack of socialization in general. People rarely talk with other people of different age groups (that also have more experience on almost all aspects of life)

I mean the topic is kinda... Why not female feeders around? I have a few ideas. think of a very stereotypical bad male attitude. Dude that exclusively hangs out "with the boys" and never gets taught why to respect women (and other people in general) but instead his social enviroment pushes him in the direction of the attitude that to have a girlfriend is a man's trophy.

That's a very specific example, but in general the problem is ignorance on people, i think. Wich is caused by the lack of care for the reasons i mentioned earlier. I hope my point is at least somewhat clear?

It is clearer, yes.

I don't think it's entirely ignorance. There are many a guy who knows better but chooses not to be. You see it a lot from the guys who are cheating on their wives. But the worse ones are the "enlightened men".

These guys think that because the have all the "correct opinions" they are good people. But they still feel entitled to women for being "a good person."

I encounter both groups fairly regularly. The cheaters will treat women in ways their spouses wouldn't tolerate. The enlightened men will say all the right words for a while. However, if they are called out for saying or doing something out of picket, they will lash out.

Still, you're not entirely wrong.

Can you described in a bit more depth those enlightened ones? I don't think I've come across one to be fair (or at least haven't noticed) im really curious about it
11 months

Dissonance between fetish and romantic life

Unfortunately i have a really hard time with finding romantic attraction to other people (who whould welcome it) one very good friend of mine, a litteral sweetheart, stopped talking to me because of really bad mental health problems. A lot of people in my college, i find them immature in a toxic sense.

One person i really like is a fellow nb but they're also in a relationship.

I really want it but i dont have the best social skills to find a romantic partner. I don't have great luck so far :/

I would suggest working on learning social skills. These are learnable (even though they come naturally to many people), but learning does take time and effort.

It won't necessarily fully solve your problem (these things are inherently hard for everyone), but it may help.

Yes, that's something i do try to do, and it definitely helps me! 🙂
Problem is i dont see anywhere a potential partner! 😅
11 months

Toxic behavior in relationships

Im really curious about what do you all think is the worst toxic behaviors people have?
11 months