Favorite candies

Maoam Pinballs, my son and I can't get enough of them at present. I'm sure they can't be good for us, but they're so moreish. I do eat too many chewy fruity sweets, Skittles, Frutella's etc, etc.
12 years


My favourite accents are the ones you don't expect, like an Asian with a thick Geordie, or Glaswegian accent. The best I ever heard was when Trip-Hop pioneer Tricky was being intervued and spoke in a very thick Bristolian accent. He sounded like he just got off a tractor after ploughing a field.
12 years

Football clubs!!

PatchM13 wrote:
Chelsea supporter here, though I really can't keep track of what has been going on with them as much as I should.
Well at present I don't even know what's in store for Chelsea, as they keep blowing hot and cold. I just hope their class finally passes through and they start showing how good they really can be. We still have a lot to play for.
12 years

What song reminds you of you?

Please, Please, Please, Let Me get What I Want - The Smiths.

I really can be a miserable sod sometimes.

Alternatively, Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys.

It just speaks to me so much.
12 years

So everyone has something

Head massage, playing with hair and reflexology. Will happily do all of these as long as it's not only a one way street and that I get some of the same in return.
12 years

Say something nice...

She's got an awesome ass, amongst other great assets.
12 years

Football clubs!!

Chelsea, have been since about 1968. Been getting a bit of stick from some of the locals this season, particularly Spurs fans, but I'm still optimistic that we will finish ahead of them at the end of the season. Also the FA cup is coming our way too.
12 years

Favourite album?

Pixies - All of them!
Stranglers - Rattus Norvegicus, No More Heroes, The Raven
Cardigans - Life, First Band On The Moon
Suede - Suede, Dog Man Star
Divine Comedy - Casanova
Magazine - Real Life, Second Hand Daylight
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
Gene - Olympian
The Blood - False Gestures for a Devious Public
Newtown Neurotics - Beggers Can Be Choosers
Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights, Antics
The Strokes - Is This It, Room On Fire
Arctic Monkeys - Humbug, Suck It And See
Radiohead - The Bends, OK Computer
Pulp - His 'N' Hers, Different Class, This Is Hardcore
The Damned - Machine Gun Etiquette, The Black Album, Strawberry's

A big list I know, but it's hard to pick favourites. Of all these albums my first choice is probably The Stranglers, Rattus Norvegicus.
12 years

This is a morrissey thread

Layla wrote:
Hahaha is it sad I don't even know who Morissey OR The smiths are ?
I find this hard to believe, even if they are not your kind of music. Smiths songs get played on radio rather a lot, their music also gets used on a lot of adverts and their influence on just about every indie band that followed them is legendary. You've probably heard their stuff, but didn't know who it was.
12 years

How do you deal with it?

rogue wrote:
FluffyMcMittens wrote:
And by -it- i mean being insulted in public and loudly by passers by about your weight. I would have been more up front but the title has a word limit.

I had this happen twice to me today and for the first time in AGES I feel terrible about myself. I've noticed people staring ever since the first incident and i'm really not coping with the reality that's just hit me of how i stand out to people who in turn judge and insult me.

So what do you guys do to get past it? =/

I know how you feel. It used to affect me a lot! I would start crying as soon as they were not in sight anymore, then I'd go home and cry a lot more, feel completely worthless, really hate myself and be really depressed for days etc.
Now it still bothers me but only momentarily. I had to develop a sort of defence mechanism where I would keep repeating in my head "it doesn't bother me. I don't care. Forget the whole incident and especially the comments!". After a while this process started happening automatically. Comments like that go in one ear and out the other. I must admit that it became easier the more I was accepting myself and the fact that nobody is for everybody. Fat or thin, tall or short, gay or straight, man or woman, etc.
I don't know if it's called getting a thick skin, but I find that as long I'm ok with me and who/how I am, it doesn't affect me all that much what strangers might think of me. I've started getting to the point where not even family's/friend's "disapproval" affects me anymore.
Love YOU unconditionally* and that love will help "bounce" most of outside negativity straight off smiley

* I had to do that when the realisation hit that no one can or will ever love me as much as I wanted/needed... but I could. So I did.

P.S. Maybe you should ignore all the above and just watch this -> smiley
Great video, trouble is when ever anyone says something cruel, it's always 10 minutes later when you think of something witty to say.

I do also sometimes wonder when I see a fat girl I fancy, just in passing in the street, whether she thinks I'm just looking at her with disdain, when it's actually admiration.
12 years