Looking for weight gain data...

Depends on what you mean by doubling... could someone 100-120 lbs gain that amount in a year? Absolutely!

Could someone 400 lbs gain that much in a year? Unlikely, now you are talking sci fi or some other intervention.
8 years

You know you're an ssbhm when...

When you have to ask for help tying your shoelaces.... or even getting your socks on... or your pants!

When something drops onto the floor and you decide it's gone forever.

You need two free seats on public transit.
8 years

Biggest public binge?

I've never binged in public, really. The closest I've come is when I stuffed myself in my car in a wal-mart parking lot. I ate a block of chocolate, a jar of frosting, a bag of cheetos, and half of a huge block of fudge. I washed it all down with strawberry fanta and chocolate boost plus. I remember sitting there trying my hardest to finish the fudge, but I was so stuffed that I actually couldn't swallow so I gave up and rubbed my belly for a good ten minutes before driving home and finishing the fudge.

Sounds fun - will make we check twice when I see someone in their car in the paring lot! smiley

I've been stuffed many times in restaurants, so I really can't recall which was the biggest... the one that drew the most attention was while my feeder and I were staying at a hotel on vacation.

We went to a fairly nice, slightly upscale restaurant and as usual, she ordered for me. As the meal went on, she ordered additional courses for me. But the funny thing was, as they brought the food, they wanted to clear the plates. My feeder wouldn't let them, and told them to leave the plates on the table. So the plates were starting to pile up, until we had a pile of plates that was probably more than a foot high!

It was a little embarrassing, but my partner really enjoyed it. smiley
8 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

Does any one else also like the stuffing aspect? The being full, pigging out, over indulging? Or am I really completely alone and 'not a real feeder'?

No, this is all part of it! I don't know why anyone would get on your case about being interested in one aspect of the fetish and not another.. everyone is a little different, right? That's what keeps things interesting!

For myself, the acts of eating, gaining and sex have become so intertwined that the act of eating (and especially of feeling full, being stuffed, or even being forced to be stuffed "beyond my limit"smiley makes me very aroused. Even talking about it gets me excited!

Just thinking about it right now, knowing breakfast is on its way any minute now is actually getting me nice 'n firm! smiley
8 years


So, this thread was pretty much my intro to this fetish, and I got particularly interested when I checked out the Splorch toy from Primal Hardwere:


As a great admirer of interesting anal toys, I loved the potential idea of having eggs shoved up there, and being "impregnated" and made to grow helplessly fatter...

Unfortunately I don't know if this world actually work in an anal scenario (maybe just for vag play), and I'm not entirely comfortable with the safety of doing that...

Still, the ideas for play are inspiring. smiley
8 years

Pros and cons of weighing 400 pounds

I really can't wait for the day I hit 400 pounds! I was wondering, could anyone here who's that big tell me a bit about what life is like at that size? What's good, and what's bad? I'd love to know!

Things I like about being over 400 lbs:
Feeling BIIIIG. Having been thin, just the feeling of bigness is a wonderful thing to me. The feeling of fat is nice too, the way it moves, its squishiness. Being "trained" to eat so much, because food is wonderful! And some people wouldn't like this, but I love the reaction I get from others because of my size. smiley
Oh, and fat sex is the best sex, and getting turned on has never been easier for me than at this size.

Things I don't like:
Summer. It's hot here right now, really hot. I get sweaty at the best of times, but this week has been awful. Feeling BIG is nice, but sometimes feeling HEAVY is just a drain. Walking is getting tougher, just moving around is hard work. Stairs are a real nuisance, they are probably the worst thing for me, because I have stairs at home. And while I love some of the mobility restrictions of being fat from an erotic perspective (ie: love feeling that my fat is "trapping" me in some way), it's not so much fun when you drop your wallet on the floor and now you have to pick it up. :/
Oh, and family reactions and advice. smiley
8 years

Submissive males?

Pig farmer:
After reading your interesting and somewhat sensual posts and stories, I'd say that your feeder was quite dominant to begin with. And you were submissive all along too, though you might not have realised just how much.

Your domestic arrangement is stimulating because of the clear reversal of roles. Your feeder wife is not only more assertive but fitter and physically stronger than you so it's easy for her to overcome you.

Not that you put up any resistance anyway - you seem exceptionally docile and well-trained. smiley

Please keep writing and posting.

Thanks for the encouraging words! And you are correct, she has always been a little bit dom, even back in the days when our roles were reversed, several years ago. Our living arrangement/lifestyle is just letting her exercise her dom muscles moreso, I suppose! smiley

More writing to come, I have a few experiences I want to document, just need a little time to edit them.

8 years

Submissive males?

As I get bigger, I find myself becoming more and more submissive.

I have found this as well, especially as it's become more difficult to do things and I need more assistance... for instance, getting up from some seats, typing shoes, etc. This has all resulted in my feeder becoming more dominant.
8 years

Submissive males?

I became very submissive as I entered into the role of feedee. Now my feeder has become very dominant in other aspects of our lives, as well.
8 years

Fat male subs into moob play?

My feeder (my wife) has been into this more than I am, but I do enjoy the teasing and mocking. My moobs have grown disproportionately large with my gain, but her mocking and attention has helped me like it...
8 years