I want to be so stuffed that..

PinkyDear wrote:
I want to be so stuffed that there is nothing left to eat in the house and I can't stand up without help... and then the pizza arrives....

That last bit about the pizza really put the icing on the cake smiley
11 years

What?...what...? what????....

Wow, that's actually very insulting, I have not had any serious unfortunate events in my life, nor do I have psychological problem.
11 years

Let's try something different

Everyone always posts something along the lines of: anyone in X looking for a feeder/feedee? They get little views and almost no replies, so I thought, let's try something different. Why don't we all just state what we're looking for and where we are from, and if someone's a match they can reply or PM us? Keep it short and sweet, if they want to know more they can talk to you or look at your dating profile.

Myself: I'm a 20 year old feeder, looking for a girl for something that could grow into a long term relationship. Would prefer a feedee that's nearby, but not a must. I'm from Kirkland, Washington.
11 years

Best type of video

Wow everybody, calm down, I don't think she was trying to say all your videos are horrible, just stating a preference and looking for like minded individuals.

Can't we all just get a long smiley
11 years

Video games

Did anyone pick up Blacklight Retribution now that it's out on steam? I'm enjoying it much more than I usually enjoy shooters, add me on steam: steamcommunity.com/id/wtfamiplaying

Or sketchmanhull on blacklight if you don't have steam.
11 years

Best type of video

I know what you mean, it is really quite frustrating. Maybe they enjoy the feel of it being grabbed and shaken roughly but personally, I far more enjoy caressing and exploring a nice round stomach than beating it like a drum.
11 years

Pc gaming nerds pls <3

I play loads of games on steam: steamcommunity.com/id/wtfamiplaying

and I also played D3 for a bit, but got burnt out, if you want to play hit me up and I'll go find my username haha.
11 years