Snacking & not knowing when to stop

With me it depends on the food in question. I can’t eat a ton of sweets without being overwhelmed with sugar. Savory snacks though? I can go through a party size bag of barbecue chips in one evening! Aged cheeses, nuts, pretzels, crackers and dip, cured meats, arare mix, dry ramen noodles crunched up and mixed with the seasoning packet... I can eat so much when there’s savory snacks around.

I too greatly prefer savory over sweet! And can easily go through a bag of Wise cheese doodles in one sitting.
3 years

Flabby belly/loose skin fetish from extremely obese weight loss?

One woman I knew had gastric bypass surgery and lost about 150 pounds. She was really cute as a BBW and her loose, flabby skin looked absolutely amazing even following the bypass. Sadly, she hated everything about having gotten fat, the loose skin resulting from bypass, and how her once huge, perky tits turned into deflated balloons. Now she looks quite literally like a Barbie doll after numerous cosmetic surgeries, and I no longer find her attractive.
3 years

Horny as i gain

In my experience, with just one exception, the biggest women I have been with were the wettest by far, both leading up to and during sex, cumming far more and achieving the strongest orgasms. I don't know if this was due to a physical difference in their bodies, a stronger sexual compatibility, or some other factor. Embrace it, there's no downside!
3 years

Hating my gain after masturbation

sometimes, I'll eat food to gain weight, or something of that nature. And then later that day I masturbate, and hate the thought of gaining and really want to shed pounds. Is this just post nut regret? I think I'm at the point where I've realized getting big may not be for me. but hey, I still like big girls

The thought of the gain arouses you more than the reality. It is precisely "post nut regret" (great term BTW) which can happen when a source of stimulus becomes far less desirable post climax. For me it's usually women I can't and/or really don't want to have. For you it happens to be the weight gained.
3 years

Your first fupa (graphic?)

This is something I didn't realize until having been with BBW, since a slim woman has no equivalent. I love to rub and caress the Fupa while fingering and working the clit and before going in.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

More importantly than "when" women get fat is that society is accepting obesity like never before. Now that Covid-19 has changed many people's lives, they have become more lazy and sedentary, working from home, having food delivered, and it shows when they go out!

If only that were true where I am from. Fat stigma here is still a daily occurence. The USA has so much more to offer when it comes to fat acceptance.

I have never been to the Netherlands, but have noticed in my travels to other parts of Europe, the only fat women seemed to be the tourists. Eating habits and culture are totally are different in the EU vs. the US. Also food is taxed more heavily in Europe, making it more costly.

If you came to America, you would be amazed how abundant and inexpensive food is, and probably would gain more weight than you wanted to. Plus the Euro is strong compared to the dollar, so you would absolutely be amazed how much food your money can buy.

American women can be fat nowadays with much better acceptance than ever before. Bullying is out of vogue, tolerance and acceptance is in, especially with Millennials and Generation Z.
3 years

How did you found out that you like fat people?

I was always attracted to BBW, but started off dating slim to average women. Then I met a cute, flirtatious BBW through a mutual friend and let my curiosity get the best of me. I was hooked. The feeling of her soft luxurious fat pressed into my body and the awesome sex made me never look back. Although that girl wasn't a keeper, I realized what size woman I wanted and set out to find her.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

In my fantasies, 413 pounds...I think I would just have an O right then and there if I saw a needle or a digital number at over 400. Would probably weigh myself and again and again just to have that thrill.

413 pounds in my fantasies but IRL I'm probably big enough now, it is hard enough to find stylish clothes and it gets expensive to keep buying them and the old ones that are perfectly near-new have to sit in the closet because the skirt won't zip or the dress won't close.

The thought of being that big beats the reality of it, I have known some women who pushed the limits too far only to regret it. You've plumped up very nicely so far, be proud of yourself and rock those curves!
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

The best is when a cute, fat chick drives a jeep with the doors off, cigarette in hand, and if it's a manual, watching her fat thigh jiggle as she works the clutch, arm flab jiggling as she shifts, that's the icing on the cake!
3 years

Fatty for friends.

Welcome Peach! I see you enjoy delicious foods, you've come to the right place smiley
3 years