Just how fat are you?

I'm 240 lbs (or 108'ish kgs) at the moment though it's been up as high as 109.8 kg and as low as 107.8 kgs in the last couple of weeks.

I'm aiming for somewhere between 250 and 265 lbs or 113 - 120 kgs. I think that's a good weight for me to aim for and I don't think I'll look TOO big or TOO round and fat.

I'm 6'2" (or 1.88m) so I can carry a higher weight.

At the moment my gut is 48 inches standing and 50.5 inches when sitting, I'm aiming to have ATLEAST 50 inches standing and probably even higher... I'd say up to 55 inches would be ok, though that may be quite big!

Any help or encouragement by personal message is great.. And if anyone can send me what's left of their engorge bottle to try I'd love to give it a go... smiley
12 years

Trying to get a preggo looking

Sounds like a fun goal.. I've decided that if I'm ever lucky enough to be married and have a kid I'm going to challenge myself to gain pound for pound what my wife has to gain through the pregnancy.. just for the heck of it.
Though at the end of 9 months she gets to lose it all, I probably won't be able to by that time, hahah. But hey, I'm already 48 inches when standing and just over 50 when sitting so I'm pretty big already.
12 years

How to stay inflated?

You could just get fat and be done with it... then you'd feel inflated all the time, hehehe smiley
12 years

Reactions about letting go

In about 2.5 weeks I'll be seeing my Aunt and Uncle who are coming to visit from the Old Country and I've not seen them for over 2 years.. I'll also be seeing my cousins (their kids) who now live in my country and who I've not seen for over 2 years and over 7 years respectively.

Since I saw my Aunt & Uncle I've gained approx 10 kgs (lost some muscle mass and gained fat back) and same for one cousin, since I saw the other cousin I've probably gained near on 15 kgs.

Ok, I'm a little worried about it but I saw my brother late last year after almost 2 years of not seeing him and he didn't comment (despite the 10 kg gain! though I did catch him STARING at my huge gut at one point).

I dunno how it's all going to go, after all the entire family will be in one place at one time as well, perhaps everyone will give me shit about being fat but I'm not really bothered to be honest.
12 years

Clothes shopping for men?

BoomShakeShake wrote:
Gingersnaps wrote:
Is this guy for real? Don't they do any work in your office?

Yes I am for real, our workplace promotes communication, freedom of voice and creativity as I work in Marketing. It also provides a happy and fun environment which brings out the best in everyone and therefore increases productivity and healthy relations between all staff members smiley

Can I come and work there? smiley
12 years

Cb-1 weight gainer


I want to buy some CB-1, but they'll only ship to the US and Canada.
Basically, if anyone wants to buy some for me from the US or Canada I'll pay you by PayPal plus the postage onwards from there to Australia...

Anyone who's interested please drop me a private message. You could even do the 2 for the price of one thing and keep the second bottle for yourself (and then ring up once the order arrives and cancel the subscription), and in exchange you just have to post me my bottle and you get one bottle for the total cost of the shipping of my bottle to me??

Looking forward to hearing from someone..

12 years

The wall test

I tried the WALL TEST in the shower... my toes were a good couple - few inches away from the wall... I guess my gut is pretty decent there..

Time to go for my toes being 6 inches off of the wall though, then I'll be proper fat smiley

Any advice/assistance from you would be greatly appreciated Doc Feeder.
12 years

Stuffing party

Can we have one in Australia as well smiley

I still like the idea of a cruise where peeps from all over the world can get together, charter the entire boat/ship and we can all stuff ourselves silly for an entire week while seeing some beautiful parts of the world... :o
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I like my growing pot belly... glad I don't have rolls to be honest, just one big, round, solid basketball... smiley
12 years

Family/friends reaction

While this is an older thread I definitely wanted to post in it.

I was overseas for 10 years and I didn't see a lot of my friends in that time.. I only saw my brother once until I returned home to Australia.

During that 10 years my weight has gone from 55 kg (about 120 lbs) at 188 cm (6'2"smiley up to about 98 kg when I came back to Oz... since then I've seen my brother again and my weight had gone up to 108 kg and due to medical reasons back down to about 102 kg but my gut got much bigger.

While my brother didn't comment the last time he saw me he did comment when I first moved back home, I told him it was due to quitting smoking and he was happy with that and said it was better to be fat than smoking.. can't wait until I quit again!

I'm not likely to see my brother again for about another 8 months and I'm hoping to get up to at least 110 or more kg and knowing that most of my regain and new fat goes to my gut I'm guessing he'll notice and possibly comment.

My friends haven't said a lot about it, they just accept me as I am, but a couple of them have packed on a few kgs as well...

Live and let live pretty much..
12 years