Consequences of gaining???

For someone who REALLY loves gaining, the downsides to gaining can be enjoyable. Not being able to fit in a seat can be quite a turn on. However, if anyone is at the point that they don't feel comfortable at, perhaps it is time to stop, at least temporarily. At that point, you'll either miss the gaining and start again, or not go back to it.
14 years

Any shorties out there?

I preferred tall women. But very few of them would date someone their height or shorter. Short and fat is cute. Tall and thin can be cute. But short and thin is not my preference.
14 years

Need advice for gaining weight

Some people just can't gain. Others have a hard time starting, and once they get going, can't stop. Just eat what you like, and eat a lot of it.
14 years

How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

Usually dieting will slow the metabolism and cause her to gain more. If she is one of the 3% who loses weight and keeps it off, then you will have some tough decisions to make.
14 years

New dsm eating disorder category

Mental health professionals used to call gay people mentally ill, and their goal was to cure it.
14 years

Changes at 400+

You can always get clothes online. The types of clothes change from jeans to stretchies to roomy dresses for many women. You'll slow down a bit when you are walking, and more places will be harder to sit in. But you will look awesome!
14 years