Sounds like you are in a nice relationship conducive to gaining I say go for it.
I have a thing for fat guys and find them very attractive too.
11 years
This subject is close to my heart because i lost my guy of 8 years over loosing weight.
It was health reasons and I had to lose a lot and he had a hard time dealing with it.
I did too because I loved being heavy soo much but I have managed to work thru it.
11 years
I'm glad he still finds you attractive and is still in love with you so maybe you can work it out.
I hope so anyway good luck.
11 years
Being a switch hitter I love girl bellies too.
Nice and plump is a huge turn on for me.
11 years
Time to let him go if he only is attracted to you for your weight.
I'm sad for you that is just not right.
11 years