Re: survey (?)

There was a survey done in this forum a while back, had to been at least a month or two ago, I was curious what she found.
1 year


So, you can’t change what you are aroused by as far as I’m aware, it can change but it isn’t a conscious thing unless there’s some type of training that can be done I’m unaware of. There’s nothing wrong with you entertaining it as a fantasy. And it doesn’t make you any less valid as a feedist.
1 year

Rapidly growing appetite

I went out to have dinner with friends yesterday, but before i went out i decided to have a big meal so i didn't completely pig out when i was in public. I still ate a large quantity of food when i was out though, and an hour or two later i was at the mcdonalds drive-through ordering more food. So to basically i had three dinners yesterday.

I think my appetite is beginning to spiral out of control.

Sounds to me like you’re still very much in control and you’re not allowing yourself to eat to your hearts content, to the point of you not allowing yourself enough to not be hungry.

I get not looking like a pig in front of friends but a homies gotta eat, just eat! no one will bother you about it, especially when you’re all out to eat. it’s all in your head! Unless it’s not in which case those people are monsters.
1 year


I’m unsure what you mean by this sorry you could try tieing your draw strings if your pants have them?
1 year

Getting serious about getting fat(ter)

I am making the switch from 2% milk to whole milk excited to see results, I normally drink about a half gallon or so throughout the week and I use the rest for cereal, cooking, or dipping cookies. I also bought some heavy cream to experiment with. I don’t mind it at all.

I also picked up regular Coke as opposed to my usual Diet Coke, I just prefer diet nothing to do with being on a diet. Got loads of chips and cookies. Fresh bread. 2, gallon sized pals of ice cream.

I haven’t weighed myself since about October maybe, I’ll be excited when I finally get back on a scale I really don’t mind not knowing but to know would be cool, and i feel like it’s a waste of money to just buy a scale idk.
1 year

Balancing gaining weight while gaining muscle tips please?

It shouldn’t matter to much go for more protein to help build your body back up, but generally as long as you keep workin out and eatin good u should see what your looking for
1 year

Personal training combined with feederism. crazy or genius?

What if there was a feeder who would provide you with exercise plan to maintain health and build muscle, and diet plan to bulk up the weight.

In return there could be some content of growing belly and booty?

That's called a personal trainer.

Some of y'all have never heard of a hard gainer and it shows.

Ever see one of those absolute massive units? Super big guy - not lean at all. They goes to the gym and eats a crap ton of food. They're overall great shape, but are clinically overweight or obese.

This is a hard gainer. They are obsessed with gains, but they are the more socially accepted kind of gainer. And they usually don't gain for kink.

Some call it the Dirty Bulk, it’s where it kinda all started for me lol
1 year


Compression Underwear work well if they fit you right and you don’t need to get expensive under armor like brands, I paid like 9 bucks for a 6 pack on Amazon and they work just as well as under armor. Chafing is caused by moisture and when you wear cotton underpants it never dries causing irritation
1 year

Does gaining a lot super fast make your belly gain the weight?

Every body is different and will accumulate fat differently.

I don’t notice a trend of people who let themselves go vs gained weight intentionally, I think the difference is much more weight however
1 year

Being a big guy that isn't blissfully out of shape makes you the "strongest one around"

God bless ‘em I think there’s genuinely ppl who don’t associate fatness with laziness, I think it’s an energy people give off not necessarily size, I mean I’ve more than doubled my weight and a regular smoker yet I am asked to help move ppl constantly bc of my strength lol
1 year