Pokemon! ^_^

Pokemon Bank is live... but only for Japan, Europe, Australia and New Zealand so far.

Pokémon Bank has been re-added to the Japanese eShop for all to download. This has been done with an update for all players who previously downloaded for both Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter. The patch is said to add countermeasures to prevent the software from causing the servers to overload. The free trial for this software has been extended with it ending on February 21st 2014.

Pokémon Bank has finally gone live in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. This game is automatically at Version 1.1 and it has been announced that the 30 day free trial is redeemable until March 14th 2014. North American release is still unclear.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Metroid II: Return of Samus.
10 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Just reminding everyone who hasn't picked up the event Speed Boost Torchic with Blazikenite that it expires on Jan 15, so if you haven't gotten it already you'd better get it now: geek.com/games/pokemon-x-and-y-how-to-get-torchic-the-first-special-event-pokemon-1573811/

10 years

Harassment thread

Subject: Re: One Week Suspension
From: "Mott Cooly" <mot8882@***.com>
Date: Fri, January 10, 2014 10:05 pm

ok, don't want to add to her problems...sorry

We'll see what happens now.

Edit: Just updating that he was IP banned for repeatedly stalking asi despite repeated mod orders for him to leave her alone.

tomthepig8 tomthepig8@gmail.com 21 Mar 2014 61
mot8882 mot8882@***.com 10 Apr 2013 63

A while back you received the following warning from the FF Team -

to: mot8882
date: 18 Nov 2013, 6:39pm
Hi mot8882,

I have been asked to contact you by 'asi'. As you may know I have been a
moderator of this site for some 4 years, and that is the capacity I am
acting in here. You probably know that I also know 'asi' personally,
however that doesn't have any bearing here. The same message would apply
to any member carrying out the same actions as yourself.

You have messaged 'asi' through the FF personal messaging system no less
than 15 times in the last 5 days, despite not one of these messages
receiving a single response. You also continue to attempt to contact her
through FF chat, and also outside of FF, though of course we have no
jurisdiction on what happens outside of this site.

This behaviour, which is harassment, needs to stop. It should be clear
that the complete absence of a response from 'asi' means that she no
longer wishes to contact you.

Please refrain from contacting her again via any means. If you do, we
would have no choice but to consider further action, such as a temporary
site ban.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

FF Moderating Team

You then IMMEDIATELY went and sent her a message!!! Which was followed by
another warning from the site admin -

RE: Harassment / Stalking
to: mot8882
date: 19 Nov 2013, 4:59pm
Don't worry about it, you don't need to apologise, I note that you have
already made contact with her again, to state you are sorry. We will let
that pass but make sure that is the absolute last message please. ANY more
messages will mean a temporary site ban, and I don't want to have to do

Thank you for your cooperation. There are many more members on FF that are
nearer to you both in terms of your age and location, so I wouldn't worry
about too much.


FF Moderating Team

Now we have been informed that you have contacted her AGAIN in several
different places including on FF. We don't understand what it is that you
don't understand about "DO NOT CONTACT HER AGAIN ANYWHERE". You are now a
stalker, you have harrassed her for a long time and she does NOT want it.
It is distressing for her.

You are being issued with a one week suspension from Fantasy Feeder. If
you contact her in ANY way ANY where again, even if only to say "sorry",
you WILL receive a permanent site ban from Fantasy Feeder.

In January 2014, after several warnings never to contact Asi again, you
did so, both on and off FF. You were told then VERY clearly that if you
contacted her in ANY way on or off FF you would be banned from this site.
Your stalking of her has been very disturbing and upsetting for her. Here
is part of the email we sent you then along with your site suspension -

Now we have been informed that you have contacted her AGAIN in several
different places including on FF. We don't understand what it is that you
don't understand about "DO NOT CONTACT HER AGAIN ANYWHERE". You are now a
stalker, you have harrassed her for a long time and she does NOT want it.
It is distressing for her.

You are being issued with a one week suspension from Fantasy Feeder. If
you contact her in ANY way ANY where again, even if only to say "sorry",
you WILL receive a permanent site ban from Fantasy Feeder.

The above text from the January email shows how clear we were and serious
about this situation. You had also previously been warning last November
to keep away from her. Now we have no alternative to ban you from
Fantasy Feeder. You have had many chances and you have proved that you
fully intend to keep upsetting this member and you don't care. Therefore
for the protection / comfort of our site members the ban will be permanent
and effective immediately. This decision is final and no more
correspondence will be entered into.
10 years


TheMarshmallow wrote:
Maximum wrote:
What about feeders? I doubt they'll make a weight gaining robot...

Not sure that'd even be possible.

The closest one could get is holograms maybe, but that's about all. Or going further out there, a robot made out of nanites that can shift it's form.
10 years