Harassment thread

Saphiel Sir wrote:
cacl has now received a request to leave TheyCallMeSunshine alone. Has allegedly been antagonizing her repeatedly.

Just noting that he's apparently done it again, finding out more. He claims innocence, she says she has screenshots, have told her to email them in to team@fantasyfeeder.com.
10 years

Harassment thread

Saphiel Sir wrote:
cacl has now received a request to leave TheyCallMeSunshine alone. Has allegedly been antagonizing her repeatedly.

Just noting that he's apparently done it again, finding out more. He claims innocence.
10 years


Slight update: He changed his name to Oblivion2112, but hasn't been on in a month. Still has the same account linked earlier.
10 years

Harassment thread

Oh I know, I've seen her attitudes before myself. cacl has been informed that it is not a warning at all, merely an administrative order/request, much as any we would give when telling people to not do things. Not giving out any official warnings without concrete proof.
10 years

Harassment thread

cacl has now received a request to leave TheyCallMeSunshine alone. Has allegedly been antagonizing her repeatedly.

Edit: Just updating here that a couple of months after this incident his original identity was discovered to be BARBICUTI0NER, the fellow who harassed me in chat after he attacked BarneyBee and I told him to settle down, so I can attest to reports of his misbehaviour being believable.
10 years

Pokemon! ^_^

This comic also helps sum it up a bit:

As for the games themselves, they do tend to have more of a focus towards kids given their storylines and generally easy difficulty... but that's the 'story mode' of the whole thing really.

After that's done with and completed, there's often more difficult challenges available to conquer, and then there's proper, competitive battling. Battles can be quite complex when fighting other humans rather than AI, as it's battles of six on six, and each Pokemon has it's own type of elements, strengths and weaknesses, and four moves.

No two battles are the same. Sure you could switch that Grass type in to fight that Water type, but it might have an Ice attack that Grass is weak to, so you might have to time it carefully... and there's a chance they could switch in a Fire type that Grass doesn't like either. Let alone each Pokemon being built differently, some are fast, some are slow, some hit like a truck, some take hits like a truck. There's a bit of luck and a lot of tactics involved when playing competitively.

Also there's the breeding aspect which some people go for. There's things called IV's (Initial Values) which add extra points to each stat, and are influenced by a Pokemon's parents, kind of like genes, and as such many people, especially professionals, try to breed their Pokemon to have the best IV's/genes available to get every bit of an edge in battle as they can.

The community known as Smogon is where most competive battlers reside and discuss tactics in particular: smogon.com/

So it works for all ages really; the story mode and stuff works well for the kids playing around, where for adults there's more meat to be found via other challenges, breeding, and competitive battling.
10 years

Pokemon! ^_^

This is the new thread is about all things Pokemon, so discuss! lol

Feel free to share Friend Codes here too. As usual, the latest information on the various games can often be found at these sites:


Link to old thread: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/forum/view-thread.php
10 years

Pokemon! ^_^

As this thread has now reached about 13 pages or so (and is 4 years old!), this thread is being locked and a new one has been started.
10 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Update from Serebii:

For those of you who have purchased Pokémon X & Y, the first patch is now live on the eShop. This patch will fix the Lumiose City issue, even if your game is afflicted by it, as well as an issue with the GTS where you'd get an error if you were using one of the filters. The patch is 229 Blocks to download.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Secret of Mana and Zelda: Twilight Princess.
10 years