Is it true that as a man gets fatter, he gets more hairy?

Fat usually produces estreogen which feminizes the body. So, you will get less hair, boobs and hips
14 years

At what point is too late?

Since only 3% of the population who diets loses weight and keeps it off for 5 years, I would say that as soons as you gain, it is too late.
14 years

Too fat to get pregnant

I've known some single women who were told they were too fat to get pregnant, so they did not use birth control. Guess What! It's pretty reckless for a doctor to say that. Maybe if they get slapped with a nice lawsuit for child support, they won't do that. (I'm against a lot of lawsuits, but you know sooner or later it's going to happen.)
14 years

How do i get a job at a bbw magazine?

There are very few large size magazines left. And if there are any left, they are working on a shoestring. I doubt if they have more than one or two paid employees. Whatever work they have, they send out to freelancers.
14 years