
New IP:
11 years

Age checking

eve wrote:
Hi Saph, did that one get banned yet? They had me in pm in chat about four nights ago tyring to wriggle out of submitting photograph proof, with lame excuses. Very lame ones.

Yup, their time was up on the 17th, so I banned them then.
11 years

Fattening in video games

pizza222 wrote:
Is it possible to have a (big) woman character in Fable ?

In Fable 2 yes, I've heard that.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New video showcasing starter evolutions/clothing customizations/etc:

Some of Furfrou's customizations are shown here, as is Litleo's evolution, Pyroar, a Fire/Normal-type, with separate male and female forms.

Also some more changes regarding types have been announced; Ghost types are no longer affected by moves that prevent fleeing such as Mean Look. Grass Pokémon are no longer affected by moves such as Sleep Powder or Stun Spore, and Electric types can no longer be Paralyzed.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Here's another round of new stuff.

Firstly more on the Fairy type, which has had it's strengths and weaknesses fully revealed.


Offensively, Fairy type is strong against Fighting, Dark and Dragon; and not very effective against Steel, Poison and Fire.
Defensively, Fairy is weak to Poison and Steel; resists Bug, Fighting and Dark; and is immune to Dragon.

Also, Steel has been tweaked a little bit; it no longer resists Dark and Ghost-type moves.

Middle stage starter evolutions:

- Quilladin, Chespin's evolution. It is pure Grass-type and knows the move Mud Shot.
- Braixen, Fennekin's evolution, which is pure Fire-type. It knows the move Psyshock.
- Frogadier, Froakie's evolution, which is pure Water-type and knows Bounce.

It turns out the previous Mega Mewtwo was Mega Mewtwo Y - there's another, Mega Mewtwo X, shown here. It is a Fighting/Psychic-type with the ability Steadfast, and it has an increased Attack stat. Mewtwo uses the items Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y to Mega Evolve. Of course, each form is exclusive to it's corresponding game.

Another one, Mega Garchomp. It has the ability Sand Force. It has an increased Attack and Special Attack stat, but its Speed stat is decreased.

- Furfrou (top left) is a Normal-type poodle and has the ability Fur Coat, which halves damage from physical attacks. It can also have its appearance changed by a game mechanic known as Trimming.
- Meowstic (lower left) is a Psychic type who has some sex differences; the female is mainly white and can learn Extrasensory; the male is mainly blue and can learn Miracle Eye.
- Tyrunt (upper right) is the first of two new fossil Pokemon. It is Rock/Dragon-type and has the ability Strong Jaw, which increases the power of biting moves used by it such as Crunch. It is revived from the Jaw Fossil.
- Amaura (lower right) is the second new fossil Pokemon. It is Rock/Ice-type and has the ability Refrigerate, where all Normal-type attacks used by it become Ice-type and gain power. It can also learn Aurora Beam. It is revived from the Sail Fossil.

Team Flare is lead by five scientists: Xerosic (red hair), Celosia (purple hair), Aliana (orange hair), Bryony (green hair) and Mable (blue hair). They are seeking a "beautiful world".

And lastly some more miscellaneous info:

Diantha is a famed actress in the Kalos region. She is also a Pokémon Trainer who would meet up with the player in their journey.

The players can also change their clothes and hairstyle at boutiques and salons throughout their journey.

It has been confirmed that Flabébé can hold flowers of different colors, and this is determined by location.

Also, a new Fairy-type move, Round Eyes is mentioned.

Edit: Updated with English names and a little more info.
11 years

Age checking

Igor Olman wrote:
Saph, can you do an age check on this one please? The pic has been flagged.

User bstcll


Done. smiley
11 years

Age checking

Good point, I'll get to work on it now. Considering she hasn't even opened the thing, she can hardly argue with any changes made, hahaha.

Edit: Done, and I've also hidden her profile so no-one else can contact her.
11 years