Vore kink

well i don´t know if this is vore but i get very turned on by the thought of a slim fit girl using my overconfidence as a man to be always fitter and stronger than a girl to lure me into eating to much and seduce me to let go until she is faster stronger and sometimes forcefeeds me so i always try to run away but am to slow and unfit now so she always catches me or overpowers me to feed me again and have some evil plans with me although i don´t know if i ever would really fear her eating me ;-) although some biting and testing if i am ripe would be hot ^^
9 years

Being or becoming

exactly i find the becoming much more interesting cause of the formost mentioned things like scales, fitnesstest, measurements and the teasing that comes along comparing the changes ;-)
9 years

Going on a cruise to gain weight.

oh that would be hot to go on a cruise with a female friend who secretely would love for me to gain at least 15lbs and tricks me in letting loose only for this cruise ship holidays ....well and maybe she gains a few, too or wants me to encourage her ^^

i really was thinking about this for some time now ^^
9 years

Getting paid to get fat

Well that would be the perfet real life roleplay for me :-) having a girlfriend who secretely hits me up through some feeder/feedee portal and paying me money as a unknown person to watch me gain weight and teasing me about it when i see her as my gf again :-)

well if girls would pay me for gaining 20lbs i would have been havier long ago i guess ;-)
9 years

Gaining contracts?

mhmmm i would love a gaining contract like in this weight gain story here on ff ^^ where the guy looses when he gains above 25lbs or 30 about that and then has to gain additonally the amount of weight he gained over this 30lbs ^^ ....i would like such a bet the gf steadily seducing you to prove you can´t win this bet and make you gain even if you tried to work against her plans ^^
9 years

Secret feeder

hmm that´s interesting ^^ how would you know ? ;-) well and for the real secret feeding ....as i know about how strong you can have a liking for some more chubbiness i really could understand such behavior ^^ froma girl trying to get fattened things into someone ....:-) although the ropeplay thing would be nicer from an ethic viewpoint ^^
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Since I've recently lost a lot of weight (about 50 pounds) after being a feedee for awhile (but then my love for health and hiking took back over), there are days when I really miss my hanging belly and how I was getting to a point where I was in denial about my gain and nothing would fit.

On those days, when I often fantasize about role playing a thing with someone subliminally breaking down my psyche to gain back my weight and adding on a few hundred pounds on top of what I had gained back. Though this was meant to just be a fantasy ( in my fantasy, ha!), the fantasy starts to affect me in real life, and the next thing I know, I'm twice the size of the girls at work who're always asking me how I lost weight so quickly.

Who knows, this could very easily accidentally be an achievable fantasy! (Except, sadly, I really enjoy being fit, so it's still pretty unlikely)

Oh that was really interesting ^^ and i get absolutely aroused reading your story as i am kind of in the same boat only i haven´t had any nice girl friend which would have put me in the danger to gain as much as you but i like my small jiggle in my tummy and kind of liked to allways be very fit ....but i would love to be tempted like you be a female feeder and see what happens and if i would have the willpower to slim down like you !!!
wow bravo ! btw
9 years

Funnel feeding

oh i would love to try this some day maybe together with a cute girl swho likes to bloat but i would find it so hot so have no control over your growing tummy and the calories your partner maybe took in there ^^

i like the thought of a full tummy with a lot of calories in it with the possiblty of some future softer body parts but the bloating things is hot , too ;-) but i did this so long with normal food that i the last years i needed some changes in chubbiness and couldn´t resist to gain a few ....
9 years

I've forced women i've talked to online to get fat. ama

oh i so would like to expereince this in both ways first i dominate the girl with my power and strenghts to eat more seduce her sweetly to eat a little more until her trained former body gets just a bit softer maybe 10lbs or so and then she consciuosly stop her letting go phase and get back into gym while feeding me now and seducing me until the point where she can force me first with her irresitable seductive ways to eat until i pass out and after she feels i am getting out of breath easily she tries several times to pin me down in some sexy wrestling encounter ^^ to tie me down and fore me to eat as much as she wants me to ;-) hehe even using drugs appetit stimulants and such things on me that don´t ahve any lasting negative effects i would appreciate if we talked about it before and pretending later we can´t remember ;-)

ah this is soo interesting first seduce to fatten then realizing oh it´s getting to much but you just like it so much and can´t stop eating for your partner and feel their desire and fullfillment^^ and then realizing oh she even can faorce me now and i can´t do a thing about enjoying it more and more ^^
9 years

Addicted to being fat?

I don't know. There's something about being "out of control" or "submitting to your desires" or "letting yourself go" that's really thrilling to me.

Addiction is supposed to be a bad thing; but it's a turn on to me. I love it when a woman says she's become totally addicted to food or fatness. Some people think that's horrible, but I think it's wonderful.

I like praising a woman for becoming a slave to her appetites. I want her to feel good about herself when she's overcome by the urge to binge or stuff.

exactly what you said plus i like it when i get out of contrlol, too and can´t stop eating and getting chubbier for her and she knows that and finds joy in her power over me .....

my i realize it´s summer i am still 96kg and i stuff myelf again today for the 5th tim this week ......it seems i got addicted, too ^^
9 years