What does blocking actually do?

Hi Canderson206.

Thanks for your question.

As Letters And Numbers advised. Blocking someone stops the individual from being able to contact you directly on the site via messages, chat, comments, liking.

Currently you can still see there activity on public spaces of the site such as forums and content galleries. Although this is something we are going to look into going forwards.

FF Team
1 year

Chat glitches

The chat resets once a day, but that should only last a few seconds.

I have entered chat this morning and it seems to be working ok. Are you still having issues?

If so, just let me know and we can take a look.

FF Team
1 year

Free account

FF Team:
Hi 2seatsalways,

Thanks for getting in touch. I think I get what your asking now! Apologies for the confusion before.

You can comment on a piece of content using the comment button. This will leave your comment in the list underneath the picture, video or story.

You can also reply to comments by clicking reply next to the comment you wish to respond to. This will add your comment underneath the original comment.

For shouts, there is always a text box underneath the shout with a reply button to the right hand side. When you type in a response and press reply this will show under the original shout.

While there isn't a reply button next to each reply comment. If you use the main reply process as described above for shouts and content, then your comment will just be listed underneath and shown oldest to newest.

Comments and comments replies are not limited. So you should be able to reply. However it doesn't tag the person your responding to, so they wouldn't get a notification of your reply unless it was the original poster.

That all sounds a bit confusing, so just let me know fi you have any further questions.

I do think it would be better to add a reply comment option to each comment. Or a way to tag members that you are replying to. As this would then notify users when they have received a response. So I will bring this up with hiccupx.

FF Team

c00kie this definitely does clear up what I was curious about thank you. Perhaps that is a feature that can be worked on in the near future?

It's officially on the list for improvements to site features. So thank you for noticing this issue and bringing it to our attention!

Take care,
FF Team
1 year

Free account

Hi 2seatsalways,

Thanks for getting in touch. I think I get what your asking now! Apologies for the confusion before.

You can comment on a piece of content using the comment button. This will leave your comment in the list underneath the picture, video or story.

You can also reply to comments by clicking reply next to the comment you wish to respond to. This will add your comment underneath the original comment.

For shouts, there is always a text box underneath the shout with a reply button to the right hand side. When you type in a response and press reply this will show under the original shout.

While there isn't a reply button next to each reply comment. If you use the main reply process as described above for shouts and content, then your comment will just be listed underneath and shown oldest to newest.

Comments and comments replies are not limited. So you should be able to reply. However it doesn't tag the person your responding to, so they wouldn't get a notification of your reply unless it was the original poster.

That all sounds a bit confusing, so just let me know fi you have any further questions.

I do think it would be better to add a reply comment option to each comment. Or a way to tag members that you are replying to. As this would then notify users when they have received a response. So I will bring this up with hiccupx.

FF Team
1 year

Warning ⚠️

Hi Clayton442,

This user may have been deleted for scamming members by our admin team. Permanently banning an account would delete the users site activity, content, messages and profile.

If you encounter someone who you believe is scamming others on the site, please report this to us asap. You can use the abuse report button which is a little grey flag on profiles and content. Or message myself or any other moderator directly if you feel it is urgent.

FF Team
1 year

New chat room possiblity

Hi Mustbecomegluttonous,

This is an interesting idea. So it would be like a private group that members can create and then invite other members? Or maybe a button in private chats where you can add others?

Would like to hear from others if is this is a feature you feel would improve chat. , would add to the chat experience?

My only concern would be that it would take away traffic from the main general room. But it is something we could consider.

Thanks for the suggestion!

FF Team
1 year

Chat glitches

Should be all fixed. Thanks to everyone who brought this to our attention.

FF Team
1 year


Hi Morbidly A Beast,

Thanks for getting in touch. You can use a debit or credit card to make a payment rather than a PayPal accounts. When you are redirected to PayPal for payment, rather than clicking log in, underneath is an option to pay via debit or credit card.

Hope this helps.
FF Team
1 year

Chat glitches

Hi all,

We are aware of the chat issue and hiccupx is looking into this as a priority. Please bear with us.

FF Team
1 year

Make pm not based on reads but on send messages also for chat

Hi LydiaFatOtter,

Thanks for getting in touch about the chat private messages.

When we next get round to updating the chat we can certainly consider how the private chat limit works.

I understand it's not easy at the moment as you get a chat request and you open it without really knowing what the other person is going to say. If the chat partner is undesirable then it does feel like a wasted PM view.

It's a good idea and I will certainly highlight it with the site owner and see if this is a possibility.

In the meantime, when I use chat on my personal account. I don't accept private chat requests unless we have been speaking in the main chat rooms first. So this might be a good idea to weed out people as you can have a general chat before taking it private as a work around.

Thank you for your suggestion, please do keep them coming!

FF Team
1 year