Overweight nurse?

My friend is a nurse. She has dinner with the crew at work then goes home and eats the dinner her wife made. Appreciative patients/family bring snacks. Drug companies buy huge lunches. Nurses don't stay skinny long.
4 years

Bigger belly but still the same weight

I gained and lost 20 lbs and my belly is freaking huge. I'm sure I've lost some muscle mass as I've been in a driving job for over a year (coming from a very physical job before that). I love how soft and jiggly it is.
4 years

Alternative people


Goth, emo, punk, hipster, geek, eboy/girl, metalhead

Basically sombody who does not fit into society's norm[/quote]

Punk was dead before you were born, metal became "socially acceptable" about the time you were born and was rebranded as "alternative" and hipster has become the mainstream. Geeks are no longer ostracized since becoming so popular as computer repair persons. What are you looking for?
4 years

Legal documents useful in feederism

You may consider a separate health care proxy and POA, depending on your situation. The proxy itself gives control over medical decisions only, not finances. Personally, I want those separate so decisions are not influenced one way or the other.
4 years

Communists and other leftists ?

So Reagan belongs on the list of the greatest 20th Century Presidents, up there with Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman and Eisenhower.

Except for that part where he deregulated the banks and started trickle down economics, which combined caused the downfall of the middle class and instability of our economy for decades. Not to mention it was his Veep that got us in bed with Saudi Arabia (or was it him?) which prevented us (well, Veep's son) from going after the real perpetrators of 9/11. Reagan was the beginning of the end. Warsaw can keep his statue
4 years

Looking for belly heavy female feedee

I’m a woman also in case that’s a concern for anyone.

A concern? That's exactly what I'm looking for. My belly isn't super heavy yet, but I think there's potential there. 😁
Check out my profile and let's chat if you're interested.
4 years

Max size

That's where I'm at. I've been 220 before (decades ago) so I know I'd go that big. Beyond that it depends how I wear it and how it effects or limits movement, breathing, etc. Immobility would be a nightmare for me, but I do like taking up space so no telling where I may end up.
4 years

Coronavirus stress eating

I don't eat when I'm stressed, dropped about ten pounds already. Need to get back on my game
4 years

Searching queer girls who like queer girls

If you ever need a female slave/feeder, I’m your girl smiley[/quote]

That sounds lovely
4 years