Has anyone really met their better half here?

Most certainly not, unless it's a comrade too! πŸ˜‚
11 months

Dissonance between fetish and romantic life

Unfortunately i have a really hard time with finding romantic attraction to other people (who whould welcome it) one very good friend of mine, a litteral sweetheart, stopped talking to me because of really bad mental health problems. A lot of people in my college, i find them immature in a toxic sense.

One person i really like is a fellow nb but they're also in a relationship.

I really want it but i dont have the best social skills to find a romantic partner. I don't have great luck so far :/
11 months

Boyfriend becoming hostile towards my weight gain

To me it seems like he's in some sort of panic. There is a wide variety of possible causes. If i am to speculate, it can be anything from having a hard time at work, to downright cheating you, thus getting anxious.

I know im a little late to give advice on what to do, but maybe next time you get to talk to him, try to help him be as honest as he can and explain his feelings.

I hope for the best possible outcome to the both of you!
11 months

Fantasy feeder

Yeah, I don't hate the good ones, but they know who they are.

Men who don't understand the social order and just want to gain stuff.

They also don't understand how men and women select mates in other ways, and that girls don't want the things that dudes like.

Of course, doing this with other men works out fine, to be honest, even better in hetero relationships, as they are both fully eager whenever.

Straight men acting like gay men towards women means it just won't work.

I hate it, and what's worse, those people are the ones firing off the most DMs, PMs, and replies, as they can't find someone.

I wouldn't say men and women necessarily choose their SOs differently. If you are socialized a certain way, you'll look for an SO like you've been raised to look for one. But if you look up how men and women choose partners, you'll find variations. And if you hang out with enough people, you'll realize there's no gender-specific guideline.

Heck, when my partner and I met, we'd planned for it to be a one-off bit of fun. But it organically grew into something more.

This boils down to a basic lack of respect and seeing women as objects instead of people.

Not to go too 100% nerd on you, but there is a thing that sex plays in mate selection, but this is the wrong place for a science talk.

Also, someone like me who has seen both sides of the gender experience, there is 100% a difference.

That's not what I'm getting at. I won't deny that men and women approach things differently. But a lot of that is nurture over nature.

Here's a quick and dirty about what I mean:


I've never put much stock in the opinions of evolutionary psychology. It has a male, white, Western, cishet, traditional viewpoint. And while there's nothing wrong with being a white Western cishet traditional man, you have to admit it has a very limited viewpoint.

Or the lack of nurture. The amount of people who sadly end up having their lives sacrificed for the profit motive (instead of doing other thigns like taking *good* care of children) seems to be growing by the day!

Enas, I am confused. How does this tie in into anything either party has said?

Im talking about the lack of socialization in general. People rarely talk with other people of different age groups (that also have more experience on almost all aspects of life)

I mean the topic is kinda... Why not female feeders around? I have a few ideas. think of a very stereotypical bad male attitude. Dude that exclusively hangs out "with the boys" and never gets taught why to respect women (and other people in general) but instead his social enviroment pushes him in the direction of the attitude that to have a girlfriend is a man's trophy.

That's a very specific example, but in general the problem is ignorance on people, i think. Wich is caused by the lack of care for the reasons i mentioned earlier. I hope my point is at least somewhat clear?
11 months

Fantasy feeder

Yeah, I don't hate the good ones, but they know who they are.

Men who don't understand the social order and just want to gain stuff.

They also don't understand how men and women select mates in other ways, and that girls don't want the things that dudes like.

Of course, doing this with other men works out fine, to be honest, even better in hetero relationships, as they are both fully eager whenever.

Straight men acting like gay men towards women means it just won't work.

I hate it, and what's worse, those people are the ones firing off the most DMs, PMs, and replies, as they can't find someone.

I wouldn't say men and women necessarily choose their SOs differently. If you are socialized a certain way, you'll look for an SO like you've been raised to look for one. But if you look up how men and women choose partners, you'll find variations. And if you hang out with enough people, you'll realize there's no gender-specific guideline.

Heck, when my partner and I met, we'd planned for it to be a one-off bit of fun. But it organically grew into something more.

This boils down to a basic lack of respect and seeing women as objects instead of people.

Not to go too 100% nerd on you, but there is a thing that sex plays in mate selection, but this is the wrong place for a science talk.

Also, someone like me who has seen both sides of the gender experience, there is 100% a difference.

That's not what I'm getting at. I won't deny that men and women approach things differently. But a lot of that is nurture over nature.

Here's a quick and dirty about what I mean:


I've never put much stock in the opinions of evolutionary psychology. It has a male, white, Western, cishet, traditional viewpoint. And while there's nothing wrong with being a white Western cishet traditional man, you have to admit it has a very limited viewpoint.

Or the lack of nurture. The amount of people who sadly end up having their lives sacrificed for the profit motive (instead of doing other thigns like taking *good* care of children) seems to be growing by the day!
11 months

Alternate worlds where one sex is fat and the other thin. do you like/dislike this story concept

I think it's extremely hard to write something good, actually good out of it. For the reasons the previous people here have already expressed.
As a fetish fantasy just to get people off, i guess it is... fine, but anything deeper will crush into rocks of oppression and it won't go well.

I do try to write a story of a similar theme where it's not one gender fat and the other thin but it's an ancient /utopian / fantasy mix where there is a matriarchical society, so one gender is dominant, but this, as i said, is utopian

And the oppression that goes with domination simply doesn't exist in that world because the people that are in the dominant positions actually care for the others' feelings and lives, and i mean that on the best way.

So make sure to drown out all the negative realities that comes with what you suggest in the title.

And also think carefully about what's the purpose of that story! For example with my story i put it in the way i did because i feel that's a good way to mix what turns me on, and i also wanted to highlight how importand love is. Because if you think about it if one person is dominant over others but caring, then it's love what keeps this balance away from barbarism!

And please, let me know what you think about what i just wrote!

So ... reverse harem anime where MC is Just Some Guy (TM) and all the pretty ladies love him. A classic choice.

And I wouldn't say it's love so much as it is about mutual respect. You don't have to love someone to do right by them.

πŸ˜‚ Not really a harem because they don't keep the guys locked, i dont know how to describe it but it's more like the women (mostly) make the importand choices but they care for the men too!

Also yes mutual respect is what's needed but alone it's just... Boring! Love brings so much joy to life, in the meantime!
1 year

Alternate worlds where one sex is fat and the other thin. do you like/dislike this story concept

I think it's extremely hard to write something good, actually good out of it. For the reasons the previous people here have already expressed.
As a fetish fantasy just to get people off, i guess it is... fine, but anything deeper will crush into rocks of oppression and it won't go well.

I do try to write a story of a similar theme where it's not one gender fat and the other thin but it's an ancient /utopian / fantasy mix where there is a matriarchical society, so one gender is dominant, but this, as i said, is utopian

And the oppression that goes with domination simply doesn't exist in that world because the people that are in the dominant positions actually care for the others' feelings and lives, and i mean that on the best way.

So make sure to drown out all the negative realities that comes with what you suggest in the title.

And also think carefully about what's the purpose of that story! For example with my story i put it in the way i did because i feel that's a good way to mix what turns me on, and i also wanted to highlight how importand love is. Because if you think about it if one person is dominant over others but caring, then it's love what keeps this balance away from barbarism!

And please, let me know what you think about what i just wrote!
1 year

Too fat for feeders but too fit for feeders?

Being a woman is very hard in online feedist spaces. Female FAs and feeders have a unique challenge because so many feedists see being an FA or a feeder as a masculine thing and being a feedee as a feminine thing.

I am not saying this to say that female FAs and feeders have it worse than female feedees. God knows the kind of abuse I've seen them go through. I'm simply saying that we have different struggles.

I have lost count for the number of men who cannot believe a woman can be anything but a feedee. Some of them have tried their hardest to "convert" me to become one because "that's what women do". They have threatened, harrassed, and attempted to manipulate me just because I don't fit into their weird gender expectations.

I know why they think that way. When online feedist spaces first started, nearly all feeders and FAs were men and nearly all feedees were women. Even though times have changed, some things still linger.

Think about it. Why are men FAs and not MFAs? Why do some people think it's weird if a woman refers to herself as an FA and not an FFA? We've made great strides as a community, but we still have a ways to go.

Most female FAs and feeders are not crazy. If they don't feel welcome, they will leave. I don't blame them. Hell, some days I feel like I'm still here out of spite and not a desire to be around like minded people.

Things aren't as bad as they used to be, but they still aren't great. It's my hope that we has a community can make this place safer for women. It's win-win. If more women feel safe enough to be here, then it won't be has hard for male gainers and feedees to find femals FAs and feeders.

Its ridiculous how easy fixing this is, except when you try to spread it through other people...
I don't understand why... It's such a simple logic to make things work better, i really don't understand. I guess it has to do more with sociological, rather than psychological reasons, because on the latter it doesn't even make much sense! When you're trying to explain it to another person they understand. Yet nothing changes much...

I think FF as a whole whould benefit massively for having a section on advice about this kind of stuff, rather than the se conversations burried in the forums. This is vital, it's not like the everyday forum post! I've tried to bring up the idea once but it didn't work as i intended...
1 year

Fast food

Morbidly A Beast:
Sorry I just find narratives around fast food a bit rooted in fatphobia, β€œoh jeez how dare you enjoy that food your body desires on a chemical level fatty” I understand some of the arguments made about the waste and stuff but to suggest fast food companies are deliberate in an attempt to poison us is silly.

We live in a capitalist system. Companies are naturally, therefore
, trying to maximize their profits. General Motors for example put lead in their gasoline knowing that it whould have disastrous effects. And because of it, the world population is now measuring on around 2 IQ points less, on average because of it. (For some Americans that lived around the 70s this goes up to a loss of 7 IQ points)

That's just a small example of a company doing something that bad. Other example, coca cola is known to have been using death squads to dissolve protests in some African countries from people that protest for their environment. (For example plantations where coca cola is growing fruits that it uses for their production, require a lot of water, leaving everyone else, in these areas, without water)

I could go on and on about how the system even encourages this kind of behavior, but in short it's the effort at maximizing profits really. And the rewards / punishments that go with it.
1 year

Fair feederism economics

And to explain my take, i think that here (as with everything else) communication is key. It's not right of a feedee to try to play with their feeder to earn money, suppose they're also in a relationship (and not just... Content on the wesmiley In other words, if it's a relationship, please love each other, first and foremost! πŸ˜…
And only after that... money shall be given by one member, for the other. If both persons have a clear mind, are both aware of what's going on and are okay with it.
Having said the above, i have to admit something for myself, as part of a relationship I'd love to be completely taken care of by my feeder. As part of the fetish (which whould be perfectly okay to stay in fantasy or RP if i dont find a partner who's okay with it and willing to sacrifice her resources and time, so i can just sit around and stuff myself)
Maybe, i could put it that, I'd love to be dependent on my feeder. And that extends to the economical level. But that's from my pov! The reality is that... I'd be kind of a leach to my feeder, and i dont know how to feel about that :c
Of course that might never happen, but the idea turns me on! And I'd just like to hear any advice, thoughts you may have on this (as well) and if its... well... fair!
1 year