Help for a back in pain???

Have you consulted anyone medically or therapeutically qualified, whether doctor, physio, chiropractor, etc? Do you know it is definitely the weight of your belly causing this? It could be you have an underlying back condition or other skeletal/muscular complaint, whether exacerbated by your weight or entirely unrelated. I would seriously advise seeking properly qualified advice.

Try not to accept "it's because you're overweight" as an answer because conventional medicine will always try to blame that first without even looking into the underlying problem.

I have found focussed core work, Pilates, and chiropractic all helpful for muscular/skeletal/back/neck/spinal issues but you really need someone who knows what they're talking about to diagnose it properly.
11 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Great pics!! Softgirl I applaud that guy who's giving you a piggyback! Gee, does he, like, work out?! And is that Upupandaway? Cool that a few new people made it along. Sorry I couldn't come, looks like a good one!
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

Weightgainer wrote:
Darill wrote:
You can periodically see how many push ups, sit ups, and squats you can do it a minute. You can also see how far you can go running before getting tired

I could do that except I all ready struggle with sit-ups and push ups smiley and running is definitely not on the top of my list of favourite things to do in my spare time! How about skipping? I recon I could manage that..

Voluptuouslover has some excellent ideas but if you want to try skipping, go for it - it's deceptively hardcore although it looks easy. There's a reason why boxers who need to be super fit do it!

You need a proper plastic, weighted skipping rope from a sports shop (basic ones are cheap, like £3.00, not a rope/string type kids' one. They spin better and you won't be struggling to make it fly round.

Skipping should be one jump per revolution, not (as we girls did at school) a slow turn of the rope with a little extra jumpy hop in between each revolution. Here's how to do it:

If you can do a minute of basic skipping (no fancy footwork or knees-up business, just jumping rope) without stopping that's pretty amazing. It would be a really quick and easy way to measure your decreasing fitness.

You'll find that as you get less fit you make more mistakes and trip over the rope, because you just don't have the energy to make a big enough jump or fast enough to keep up with the spin of the rope.

I was amazed after not exercising for a while and putting on a bit of weight how quickly I lost the ability to do 100 skips in a row without messing it up.

Also as an extra bonus it really makes any extra weight jiggle noticeably and you get out of breath really fast (I'm assuming that would be fun for you and your feeder smiley).

Have fun!
11 years

Weight gain morph software

This is just for fun:

Doesn't really allow you to morph yourself really fat though smiley
11 years

New to this- question!

I agree with Jules. No need to come right out and label it your fetish. Tell her she's hot. Tell her she's gorgeous. Make it clear you fancy her. She'll get the idea - that you generally like the way she looks now.

If you want to feed her in a sexual way, you can introduce that idea without having to explain it goes along with a fetish. Lots of people think that food is sexy - try it first with something that "vanilla" people might do, like strawberries dipped in chocolate, or indulgent food you bought her as a gift, and see if she enjoys it. Or just get up earlier than her and make her waffles or pancakes smothered in butter and syrup and bring them back to bed, have breakfast in bed, and have sex straight after, caressing her full tummy. From there you can maybe start merging the two the next time, make it a domination thing, tell her she has to eat it ALL up or there'll be consequences.

I'm not sure an announcement is the right way to go - just act like you enjoy her figure (that should be easy), give her compliments, every time you have food together, spoon her a mouthful of yours telling her how delicious it is.

After all, you're saying this is a new thing for you too - why not wait and see how you enjoy things like this first. You never know, it could be a passing thing - or the way you feel about weight might be specific to her. You might just really like the way she looks right now rather than every chubby woman...?

(Sorry, I'm not trying to patronise you, I'm sure if you say you have a fetish then you do, but y'know, people do get super into stuff and then go off it sometimes. Every time I fall in love with (say) a thin man, a fat man, a man with a beard, an angular man, a toned man, a tanned man, a pale man... I think I LOVE that thing... but usually it turns out I just like THEM not beards/fatness/angularity etc in general. If that makes sense. And the next person I fall in love with is completely different. Sorry if you're 100% sure fat/weight gain/feederism is your thing - it just seemed from the way you were telling it that you were only recently discovering all this stuff - which is cool and amazing if you are).

Good luck, have fun smiley
11 years

Say something nice ...

Firstly, high-five to a fellow Brit. Secondly, double-bass players are cool. And thirdly, his posts are beautifully expressed smiley and that always makes me happy.
11 years

Large for skinny

MsJello wrote:
I'm 5'4 450 so me being with someone my size is completely out of the question. It just wouldn't work as far as sex is conserved. To much belly getting in the way lol I've tried it,back when I was only 300 lbs and my partner was 400 lbs and sex was close to impossible.

I prefer very skinny partners,tall and under 200,the skinnier the better. I effin love the contrast of my huge gorgeous belly and rolls and his thin body being dwarfed by mines. Him melting in me,almost getting lost. It's a gorgeous sight to see and a very erotic feeling. The vulnerability on both our parts in that situation drives me crazy.

I have absolutely no problems being naked in front of my skinny partner as long as I know he's reverences every inch of my glorious body. I couldn't eff around with someone I think isn't truly into super sized women. That's not an emotionally safe situation and I'd never put myself in that situation with a skinny or a fat partner. If you love this fat body,its all yours and you can see every inch.

and I enjoy the hell out of looking at their skinny body. I find ALL body types beautiful sexy and appealing. But the body type that really does it for me is the skinny one.
Like I said I love the contrast and I love the sharp angles,the long gangly limbs,the lean muscle. *le sigh* show me the goods honey! Lol

It's all love here
And I feel just as comfortable with a skinny or average sized partner as i do with a fat partner. Sometimes even more so.

You expressed this utterly brilliantly! Sexy smiley
11 years


ssmith17769 wrote:
hey guys i need help and couldnt find anywhere to put this. i like this skinny woman, but i don't know how to tell her about my fetish. help please?


Are you actually trying to tell us that your job is something to do with parallel universes or alternate realities? Cos it's possible this is the wrong thread on the wrong site otherwise... :$
11 years

Has it ever occurred to anyone

I think this might have been noticed a few years ago when people were discussing having a badge or pin to show you were an FF member so we could identify each other out in the real world! And someone said that it wouldn't be awkward if someone not from FF noticed it, because you could always claim you were a Foo Fighters fan... lol. I do have a general daydream that Dave Grohl is an FA, but that's another story.

I heart Dave.
11 years


There's a slightly updated BMI calculator out:

Sadly it means my bmi has gone from 35.8 to 35.3 overnight!
11 years