Fas out and about

Up to the age of about 22-23 I certainly did stay rather closeted, although usually ended up with the fat girl in a group of girls, but after that I made it very clear to even my friends that is what I prefered. Since then I was much more likely to compliment a larger girl than a slim one. Now when driving my taxi, or just out in public where I live, I am always complimenting larger women when there is a chance to talk to them.

Not long ago a woman got into my cab who looked gorgeous, we got talking and she said something about her son at high school, which puzzled me. I said to her that she must have had him at a very young age. She then said he was 17 and she was 40, in great surprise I told her I thought she was only about 28 (I really did think she was that young) and how stunning she looked. She could tell I meant it too, I think I made her day saying that. Shame the ride to her destination was a fairly short one.
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Even more photo's, everyone from the rest of the world are going to get jealous of us Brits.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

S13drifter wrote:
I think a FA would work best if the big girl they are dating is happy with her size and self. If she hates they way she looks then an non-FA is the type of guy she needs. Thats my general answer
I suppose if the big girl has so many issues with her weight that she cannot bear being touched then yes a non FA would be better. However, if it is more of just a dislike, then the FA could easily make her feel great with touches of affection in public as well as at home. To show any girl that you are proud to be with her is a very strong positive and can make that girl feel like a beauty queen, no matter what her size.
12 years

Room 101

1. The safety police - Will someone please run these people over in a very fast car.

2. People who can't drive in icy conditions, driving at say 7-8 mph on a very wide road/dual carriage way - STAY OFF THE ROADS

3. Wasps/Hornets - Is there anyone who actually likes these insects?

4. Political correctness - More when it's used badly, which seems to be most of the time. It ends evoking more prejudice than there would have been in the first place.

5. Long periods of intense coldness (ie -6 to worse) - It freezes the pipes where I live and I can't get any water, blocks the sinks and the toilet won't flush.

6. Bad cooking, particularly in eating establishments - Really there is no excuse, with so many TV chefs giving advice these days, it's really not that difficault to make something at least paletable.

7. The City of London's road system - You make one small mistake and you end up on a road where you can't turn off (no left turns even), by the time you can turn around, you're miles away from your original destination.

8. Factory farming - It's immoral.

9. Cod ghetto accents - These people are the most appalling posers. You know the type, white, have rich parents, often bullies and likely to end up in an upper managerial/directorship positions at some MNC. Funny how they don't use that accent at work.

I will end there, as if I write any more you will end up bored.
12 years

Whats turns you off

Badonkadonk Boi wrote:
Nearly all the stuff mentioned in this thread, plus those creepy 50+ old men who hit on you in chat.
Phew, I could've been one of those if I went into chat, best stay clear then I suppose.

Have some more that I must mention. Anyone trying to impress with corporate jargon (although it is fun to laugh at these people), cod ghetto speach (it's embarrassing and insulting), fake tans, oh and just about everything that Katie Price stands for.
12 years

Whats turns you off

Poor hygiene (particularly halitosis), plastic people, too much small talk, rudeness, racism, cocaine, alchoholism, domineering and demanding people. There are plenty more like some of the things that have already been said. Basically I'm like the grumpy's that you see on television and could go on for hours.
12 years

Why do you come here....

I think FF is what ever you want to make of it. I spend time on here in between taxi driving jobs late at night.

Personally I like looking at the pics and videos of all the gorgeous girls, reading stories and attending the meetups. I would go on chat if I knew I wasn't going to get interupted by work, but I can at least post on the forum, so I tend to use this site rather a lot.
12 years

Ever met up??

I agree with MissOtis we are the general public, only with better taste. There will be those that you will get on with very well and those that you might find creepy, or just not get on so well with. On a one to one basis it would be like any first date with someone, sometimes they are good, sometimes not.

However, with the social gatherings there is always someone to talk to and they are perfectly safe. So if you are a little unsure about meeting someone, go to one of the meetups first. It will give you a better perspective to at least those that go to these gatherings.
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Rogue wrote:
Gary I see you took my advice about varying your pose! lol smiley
In the last pic you look like Michael Madsen! smiley
That's it, wondered who I looked like. Come valentines I'll come as Mr Blonde.
12 years