Told i look like i lost weight

People usually mean it as a compliment, and I just don't want to encourage them in that vein, lol.

Yes, usually that is the case - they are just saying it because they are trying to be nice in their own way. In reality they are thinking, "Wow, what a fatty!" lol
8 years

Canadian clothing

I'm looking for 5x stuff now, and having a tough time. I've been ordering it online quite a bit, but it's expensive because of the dollar conversion. Also, sometimes the stuff isn't as big as expected, and it's costly to return by mail.

Even a Canada-based online retailer would be helpful!
8 years

Strangers giving your belly a jiggle

Plus I enjoyed it soooo

I've never had anything quite this direct happen to me by a complete stranger in public, but I would love it too!

Several times people have commented to me about what I was eating, and my weight, but rarely do they pat my belly.

Thanks for sharing!
8 years


With as extreme as some of our goals are I am wondering if getting unhealthy is what some desire or is it just something you accept?

For some, getting unhealthy is definitely part of the excitement.

For myself, my feeder and I are very health-conscious - organic food, limit processed sugars and trans fats, don't blow the blood pressure through the roof by eating too much sodium, etc. We also walk for at least an hour every day, swim at least once a week, etc.

That being said, I want to be fat and get fatter. Luckily, my health has been good so far - no heart issues, no blood pressure problems, no diabetes, etc.... how much is due to luck of genetics & diet etc? Who knows. But I am taking it carefully, and see a doctor for a checkup at least once a year.

Still, at my size, I get winded after walking very far. Stairs are my enemy. Just rolling over in bed is a chore... but some of this stuff is a turn on, too, both for me and my feeder.
8 years

How to really make it permanent?

I think age and lifestyle were what got me from 150 to 200 or so. Just changes in my activity (desk job, stopped exercising regularly) and the general slowing of my metabolism as I went through my 30s.

The biggest change that I imposed on myself was stretching my stomach, creating more capacity before I would feel full. For a month my feeder really pushed my limits, really stuffed me beyond what I ever could have or would have attempted on my own. After that process, I was just naturally consuming more, eating more throughout the day, and storing more calories as fat.

Best of luck to you on this amazing journey!
8 years


Fascinating! I've learned about a new kink... will be back after some more research...
8 years

Curious to know if others fit into this category

I was thin and athletic my whole life, always identified as a FA and a feeder... It wasn't until well into my marriage that I unintentionally put on 30-50 lbs. Never thinking of myself as "the fat one," I thought (in quite a reactionary way), "I'm going to have to lose this." Until my wife intervened and said, "I think you should gain MORE."

Now she's my feeder, and I have put on over 150 lbs since that day. smiley
8 years

Hansel and gretel

Here is one:

Here is another:

Quite a dark end to this one:

And I don't know if it's still available, but this Ponderous Woman story is essentially a take on Hansel & Gretel:
8 years

Hansel and gretel

The story of Hansel & Gretel was definitely an early FA trigger for me...

I'm not so much into the actual act of vore, but I LOVE the idea of someone being captured and fattened with the intention of being eaten!

Never used this as a role play, but will have to suggest it soon. smiley

I love almost all the weight gain fiction I've read based on this story, too.
8 years

Pig transformation fantasy

We have role play like this every now and then, it is a lot of fun and can be very sexy... very sub/dom, too smiley
8 years