Embarrassed to like fat.

My thoughts on it have always been you don't have to go shouting it to the heavens but if it came up in conversation or if someone asked me about I wouldn't be afraid to say that I am a feeder, or that I like larger women just as much as thin women. Heck, a few of my friends know now, it hasn't changed me into some kind of weirdo in their eyes. Guys (and girls) if you are afraid of someone finding out about your fetish then you really need to grow up, your friends will still be friends with you, your family won't disown you. To be embarrassed about it or hide it is not only rude to your partner, it's a disservice to them.
12 years

Baldurs gate remake

So is anyone else going to get it when it comes out? I missed out the first time around and am excited for the updated version!
12 years

Unexplained bloating

I've seen this somewhere else a long time ago, someone said it was a load of crock unfortunately :/
12 years

Xbox live!!

sfx420 wrote:
Steam! FTW


12 years

What's your biggest feederism turn-on?

Maimee wrote:

Tight clothes feel like getting a hug. smiley

Awww smiley You know I can give good hugs too smiley
12 years

"feeding tubes" what do you think?

big n burlie momma wrote:
theres a movie called "feed",did not know that will have to check out you tube!

12 years

What's your biggest feederism turn-on?

Maimee wrote:
Sketchman wrote:
Or when a girl has to lay on her side to feel comfortable because she is so full, it's absolutely adorable.

I loved everything you said, but found this especially cute! smiley

Also agree with the tight clothes; they look great but feel even better. I've started buying most of my clothes a size smaller because I like it so much.

Wow, you sound like a dream come true hahaha. What is it about tight clothes that feels so great if I may ask?
12 years

What's your biggest feederism turn-on?

Oh god, far too many to list. Where would I even start, the mental or physical aspects?


Fat talk is a big one (lol pun, sorry), I love to hear a girl talk about how fat she is/is getting, or how hungry/full and so on.

Certain aspects of slobiness are arousing, like watching her eat with her hands or burying her face in her food. I think that I find this attractive because it shows a lack of control. One thing that really gets me going is when a woman can't contain her desires, and gives up all self control. Indulgence is an excellent word to describe what I find attractive about it.

Overstuffed bellies are another. Imagining a woman weighed down by her own stomach, or that pressure in her belly as her stomach stretches to accommodate all of that food. Or when a girl has to lay on her side to feel comfortable because she is so full, it's absolutely adorable.

What else? Shape? Shape! I like it all, belly, boobs, butt, the three B's hahaha. I find certain things attractive about fat and thin faces, but somewhere in the middle I think is what I like the best, where they have a chubby face but it still has most of it's original shape. When it comes to bellies I like something a bit between a big round belly and a double belly. When the belly curves out on top, then kind of concaves in towards their navel slightly and then rounds back out at the bottom. I also love that delicate little upwards curve some girls get at the bottom of their belly hang smiley

There's a lot more but to stop myself from going on forever this will be my last bit. Forcefeeding/secretfeeding, while never something I would do or condone turn me on as well. This ties in with the lack of control bit I mentioned earlier I think. The woman wants to stay thin, but she can't stop pouring on the pounds. Maybe this also has something to do with wanting to be a corrupting influence on them in a way? I'm not sure. I also think tube/funnel feeding is incredibly hot. She submits to slurping down whatever it is I pour down her funnel. I have both submissive and dominant sides and these things are probably more my dominant side. On the other hand I am also submissive in that I want to do what I can to please my woman. Her pleasure is as important as my own to me. Knowing that she is getting off or is content gets me off or helps me feel content I feel is the best way to explain it.

Phew! that's enough for now. Anyone that wants to talk to me about it though can always feel free, I enjoy talking about these things smiley

EDIT: I almost forgot deep/big belly buttons, muffin tops, and tight clothes!
12 years

Terms of endearment

I'd love to have someone to whisper pet names to smiley
That being said it would probably be something fitted to who they are, maybe a favorite food, or related to something interesting, in addition to sweetie, baby, honey, cupcake. Something we both found adorable that was related to her. Maybe if they were feisty I could call them my little firecracker smiley hahaha.

I've had some interesting pet names thrown my way though by women I was good friends with. The weirdest one I think I got was child.
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

I look at all the comments such as "o baby let me fed u" and laugh, you should do the same smiley
12 years