
I guess the only thing would be the health issues that come with it. Some one would have to care for the immobile person. So when making the decision to become immobile it impacts someone elses life and impacts society indirectly by diverting resources to support that persons upkeep and welfare.

I agree with your first point, the gainer should explore this lifestyle with a supportive partner and try not to lay the responsibility for their needs at their relatives' feet, if possible. That's just being considerate. The part about burdening society though, I've heard that argument from fatphobic people before, and the problem with it is that it doesn't apply the same standard to any other medical issue. If we're to start questioning how deserving people are of medical care based on whether they were at fault for needing it in the first place, that opens the door to a pretty dark place.

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease based on diet, so do diabetics deserve taxpayer funded insulin? Do smokers deserve treatment for lung cancer? Should athletes be treated for spinal injuries? If someone becomes disabled due to a car accident that was preventable, do they have a right to a wheelchair? Should drug addicts get medical intervention to prevent an OD? The number of medical conditions that are at least partially caused by the patient is staggeringly high.

Another issue with the argument is that anyone paying into the system through taxes should be deserving of the benefits that come from the system they are helping to pay for. In that way, taxes should at the very least be a sort of life insurance for tax paying citizens, otherwise what is the point of paying in the first place? As a society that doesn't like to be thought of as cruel, we also try to extend those same benefits to people who are unable to pay taxes, because most people would agree that every person is deserving of having their basic survival needs met, regardless.

Also, the wider impact on society of some people choosing to gain a massive amount of weight is negligible, especially since it's such a niche interest that very few people will actually attempt. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of people who need obesity-related healthcare are not doing so intentionally. That's not an ethical point, but it's still true. It's like saying that if everyone who went to the moon took home a pebble as a souvenir, then eventually there would be no moon rocks left at all. Might be true in a hypothetical fantasy, still absurd given the reality.

Very well put.
1 year

Back rolls

Love back rolls. Something to grab on too
1 year

Sports for bbw bhm and ssbbw ssbhm

Anything involving swimming. It's low impact exercise, plus floating might be an advantage.

Hmmmm wouldve never considred water polo
1 year

Merely standing in line at a fast food restaurant.

i recently was waiting in line at a mcdonalds, and for sure felt like some were giving me a short look and judging.
i bet those skinny girls in crop tops were thinking twice about their orders, after they saw me waddling inπŸ˜‚
i wish i had the the courage to say: "be careful girls, or you look like me one day" 😁

I would have paid for your food
1 year

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

Her weight problems got better with her being bigger? Care to explain further?
1 year

Came out to wife, advice?

Start very light and easy with fruit. Slowly work her into it. Feed her fruit then ***. Feed her what ever she wants then ***. In a true Pavlov fashion she will soon associate eating with sexual pleasure all together and you will have a feedee.

Ngl ... this is pretty manipulative.

Yes it is horrible but i think it would work.
1 year

"searching for a story" thread

Butter On A Pop Tart:
I'm looking for one I saw several years ago.

A woman goes to a BBQ with her husband/boyfriend's family. She's a bit overweight, and hides it by wearing a corset.

The BF/husband's aunt sees through her deception, and realizes she's a fat girl at heart (or something to that affect) - and keeps bringing her food, which she can't resist. She stuffs herself to the point of pain, and finally bursts out of her corset.

Not a lot of details. I thought maybe the story was on Dimensions - but I wasn't able to find it. No idea on the title.

dont know the original but i can write that
1 year