Whats turns you off

My biggest turn off?

Annoying ignorance.

I used to work at a skate rink as a 2nd job and, I tell you, a lot of the teens on Friday and Saturday night just drove me insane. I did make friends with a lot of them and we added each other on FB just to keep in touch incase the rink opened again. But, now I'm slowly deleting them as I see updates, daily, three times a day:

"I wish I lived on da Jersey Shore wit Snooki. YOLO"

Congrats, you just got deleted. Am I against pop culture? No freaking way. Am I against teenagers being corrupted and feeding into the death of our society? Indeed.

Anyways, that's really about it. I'm pretty easy going otherwise.

Oh, and while I support people's opinions and ideas etc. I hate when they bad mouth others people's beliefs and opinions....
12 years


Yes, let's all sign up for Instagram so we can take out our phones and pretend we are world class photographers!

I don't care if you can take a picture of your freaking pet hamster in Sepia....

Just had to get that out...instagram is the devil!
12 years

Tv shows

Clockwork wrote:
South park, the IT.crowd, red dwarf, brass eye, Peep show, QI, eerie Indiana, round the twist are all brilliant.
Especially Eerie Indiana <3

Do you guys have Eerie, Indiana on TV over on your side of the drink?

Man, I watched it ALL the time when I was younger and was so f'n excited when I saw it on Netflix Instant....then watched it for two weeks over and over lol
12 years

Tv shows


No, not Star Wars....

Anytime my brother comes over I always seem to have Storage Wars on, Shipping Wars on. I also dig Hardcore Pawn and Pawn Stars.

I do watch wrestling most weeks but, not if Hell's Kitchen is on! haha

I've really been into 'Bar Rescue' as of late.

I've gotten into these reality shows because I'm just so tired of the shit shows that people are actually getting paid to write and networks are paying to produce and air. They are just all so simple and basic. No thanks.

I do love the comedy/mystery/cop show 'Psych' Beautifully done!
12 years

One moment from your life

29 years holds a lot of moments that could be experienced again. But, Honestly, mine is but only a month and a half old...

June 30th 2012 at about 4:15pm I walked out onto the stage for the first time ever and grabbed the mic.

Finally my YEARS of being the funny friend paid off and I did my first live comedy stand up set. Something I talked about doing for the past 15 years.... AMAZING!

I would do that again, every day, forever. While I still go to open mics and get booked places from time to time... that will always be the best high ever. I kept my friend's ticket stub, I kept the index card I had my cheat sheet written on to remember the order of the joke. I have it on DVD and on YouTube.... I'm very proud.

Now, if we get a do-over.... same thing and I'd certainly be less nervous and not 'sway' back and forth on the stage lol
12 years

Ff & masturbation addiction

Oh man, I'd never do a 12 step thing again. I always get winded and tired by the 5th step....

I'm still not sure why I read through this thread but, I did and... I don't think I actually have anything to add. Do I use FF to get myself off? No, that's what the Penn State shower room is for. (Ouch, to soon? Never)

Seriously though... I have no well thought out reply/comment like usual. But I bet I probably don't open this thread again! haha
12 years

Posting videos

I love how Naive the world is...

While I do not condone STEALING other people's videos and or pictures to post elsewhere, especially to claim they are you....

You can't stop it. There is absolutely NO WAY to post something on a site and it not be able to be found by anyone.

While I'd bet a million dollars no one in your family, or at work will find you on this site without expressly looking for this site, it's just humorous to me that people are so worried about it.

C'mon now... this is the internet. I know I could probably research through google how to take your vids off here and make a YT page or a dailymotion page with everything. It happens. And what baffles me the most though?

The people who have their vids/pics taken and used getting so pissed off they leave. They delete the photos and videos, thinking it deletes them from the world wide web.

There are ways to be safe but, it's pretty much impossible to not have vids/pics stolen. It's one of the necessary evils of the technological age.

Does it suck? It sure does but, when you click 'upload' you are pretty much signing away your image to anyone that wants to steal it.

I'm certainly NOT trying to turn you away from showing pics and vids, you do have a beautiful body but.... candidly, that's the facts of the internet and vids/pics...

Hope we still see more of you in teh future!

<3, CFB
12 years

Talking to not talking.

To this day, I'm still mildly bothered by one incident... Not so much bothered as pissed and annoyed...

Oh, it was... 2001 maybe... I don't remember where I 'met' the girl but it was online. We chatted TONS and really started to dig each other. But, one day we decided to meet in person.

And don't give me that 'Maybe you just didn't click' crap... because I'll NEVER forget the look on her face when we met. It was a look of :

"Oh shit, what the *** did I get into"

Well, it hurt but, now that I'm out of the miserable town and making a success in a few ventures in life... I think about that day, the look on her face...and I hope she's miserable...married to some redneck *** that treats her as shitty as I felt that day.

Karma will *** you up!
12 years

Where will you be...

Hmmm, in 1 year, I hope to be the Feature of a stand up comedy night at a club/bar in NYC.

5 years, I hope to be living the sucess in Comedy after being on Leno or Conan. (Not huge like Tosh or Gabriel) Also be in the early years of being a great father!

10years, I want to be known around the country, have a sitcom and possibley teach stand up lessons to people striving to get into it.

(Unrealistic to get into stand up? Watch me prove you all wrong!) smiley
12 years