All of a sudden turned on by men

Sexuality is a strange thing. I know I personally can get a bit worked up seeing a fat shaved belly with moobs. Guess its close enough to my preference of big women, but never the less it gets me a lil worked up. I personally don't find make genitalia attractive so there is that. But either way I'm a fan of big round engorged bellies and if i see a big enough belly my mind can't help but think it's sexy. Whomever it's on.

I have to say I am the same way. Even though I am straight, I am finding myself more and more interested in obese men with huge guts and large soft moobs, partially because I enjoy looking at fat and partially my mind jumps to fantasizing about what it would be like to be that fat. I too am a fan of big round engorged bellies regardless of who it is on, as well as on myself.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

I have cracked numerous toilet seats leaning to one side or the other. And broken at least a 1/2 dozen chairs, the most recent being a dinner party at a friends house when I stood up and the chair arm fell off since I put way to much pressure on it while sitting. I have also had a couple of experiences where the chair comes up with me when I stand because I was so tightly wedged into it. I must admit all of these experiences turn me on somewhat which is kind of kinky.
6 years

Moobs experiences..

As a young boy and teenager I hated my moobs. I was teased constantly in gym class about having big tits and always tried to wear shirts that would hide them to the best of my ability. In my 30's when I really began to gain a lot of weight, my moobs became very large and still are along with a huge belly which I love. I have come to embrace them as part of the pleasure of being fat, fondle them often and now like the way they look sitting atop my large overflowing gut.
6 years

Feeder that still feels partially turned on by his or her own fat!!!

I wonder how many feeders still have this experience. The fat fetish has been a part of me since a VERY young age (4). So even with fantasizing (and observing) people with weight gain or exposed bellies, I always imitated being �fat� with sticking my belly out all through my normal weight years. Now I really am categorized as �obese� ( don�t have a picture up for that yet), but it feels nice to rub my round belly while fantasizing females getting fat and/or bloated!!!

I am exactly the same way. I have been interested in chubby and fat girls ever since I was young. I was always trying to get in shape as a younger adult but deep inside felt I really wanted to be fat. In my mid-thirties I decided to give up dieting, eat what I want, and just let nature take its course. I slowly and steadily gained 130 lbs. over a twelve year period and found myself increasingly turned-on by my own fattening. I hit a high of 305 lbs. and have settled in around 285 lbs. Like you I love playing with my own fat while fantasizing about fat women and find being fat has just added to the overall enjoyment of my fat fetishes.
6 years

Its january 2nd. how much did you gain this holiday season?

Congrats to both of you above on your holiday gain. Always fun to just let yourself go!
6 years

Its january 2nd. how much did you gain this holiday season?

Congratulations. Wonderful gain. Love to see you reach 200 lbs.
6 years

Its january 2nd. how much did you gain this holiday season?

I love the period between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Special dinners, parties, holiday get-to- togethers with all sorts of delicious foods, cake, candy, pies and other treats. I love to just let myself go and completely pig-out. I usually gain 10 lbs. during this time but this year packed on 12 lbs. So how much did you gain this holiday season?
6 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

When I am describing the need for a bigger chair or why I bought a bigger car, I usually describe the need to accommodate my "voluptuous figure". But I really enjoy telling waitresses that I would like a table because I am too fat for their booths. This usually brings a smile to their face and often a little bit of flirting.
6 years

Fantasies intensifying? is it normal?

As I have gained weight, my fantasies and desires have grown as well. I hit a high of 305 a few years ago, up from 175 ten years before that. The more I gained it seemed the more I fantasized about being huge. I am now around 285 and for health and mobility reasons I really need to stay there although the urge to grow fatter is sometimes almost overwhelming. Being a member of sites like this one only fuels my desire. My ultimate fantasy would be to eat my way up to 400 lbs.

I also have found my taste in fat women has expanded as well. Initially I was interested in chubby women, then fatter women up to about 250 lbs. While they are still appealing, what really floats my boat now are attractive women in the 300 to 500 lb. range. Seeing a woman overindulge and give in to the pleasures of gluttony is such a turn on. If I were in a relationship with a mutual gainer who loves huge men, I know I would have no will power and get as fat as she desired, taking me to 400 lbs. and beyond.
6 years

Friends getting fat

I love seeing friends fatten up over time. Since I have gained 130 lbs. since college, I love when I bump into a male friend and he is huge with a big hanging gut. Also, seeing female friends from high school or college who have gotten fat is very arousing and pleasurable. I remember my 20 year high school reunion and we were all in our upper 30's. My female lab partner put on about 60 to 80 lbs. and looked so appealing. And all the hot cheerleaders had really fattened up over 20 years which was so nice to see.
7 years