Pig farm

I love that very much, it is a really hot kick to imagine to do this for real, to rent a farm for a weekend and check in a feedee for some force feeding on all fours. If a female feedee is into that, it would be really hot to weigh her on a real pig scale and measure her and then see what two days of feeding like a pig would do to her.
I wrote a story called forced about it and I love the feedback that I am getting from it.

It is hot to imagine how a fat woman would react to the fattening hormones that they usually give pigs. It would have to be safe of course, but I always hear that pigs and very similar to humans, so it would be a hot surprise to see that a feedee gains so fast too and balloons up like this.

I myself am also into it, I love feeling like a pig and know that I have one inside me that is trying to get out. This shows on my recent weight gain and it will keep fattening me up till I am 300, 400, 500 pounds and I love to be called a fat pig. Right now, it does not fit yet, as I am not this fat, but eventually, when I go over 300 and surely when 400, I will look like a fat pig in truth and that will be so hot, to feel inside me how I am helpless to stop gaining more and actually want it.

I don't get off about the dirty or demeaning aspect of being a pig, but more about the having to gain and being born to gain and having phases where I can't stop eating and where I long for being force fed, to feel a tube inside my mouth and stomach and have a female feeder that is demanding and impatient with my gaining. That she wants more fat, more fat, MORE FAT!
I'm the same with female feedees when being a feeder, I love when a woman is a true pig deep inside, born to gain and fatten up and unable to stop.

Being in a real pig sty and farm, with real pigs has this kind of really hot objectivisation about it. Nobody cares about you, it is just about getting fatter and expanding.
10 years

How to draw really fat women?

Yeah, it has been my goal for so many years. Just a fat woman in a 3D renderer is not enough though, I want one that moves and jiggles accordingly to real fat and not many people seem to know this. Plumptopia has done some videos like this. You can find it on youtube. I will realize this dream sooner or later, bet on it. Having a woman grow and get fatter and her belly hang and her breasts hang and then seeing her walk and jiggle, wow. I wish I could do this in real life, but real life feeding is so rare and so many people are so deep in the closet that you can't find them ;-)
10 years

Force feminization/m2bbw

Hmm, seems to be a taboo subject ;-)
10 years

Lipase drugs

LadyEjkua wrote:

I think you shouldn't look for all these far fetched gaining methods. If you want to gain, just do it. It's simply consuming more calories than you need. I always advice people to drink lots of fruit juice all day.

Well, I have the same problem: I gain really slowly and hard. I can eat tons and tons of food and if I get too much fat or even drink heavy cream, my digestion goes into rebellion and I feel sick and miserable (I don't throw up or anything). I can tell that my body can't even digest that much fat and so I have been exploring lipase myself and so far don't know if it did anything. Rapid weight gain it did not promote in my case in any case. I can totally understand why people want to speed up their gaining. Some people (like me) love the fat and the jiggle and well, love food, but it is not all about the food and eating, probably because I don't have the bottomless hunger that some people have (I wish I did though).
And I truely truely hate to gain slowly, so I can't even tell that I am putting on anything. I wish to conciously and intentially gain and see it, feel it, experience it! That is my reason for going for lipase and other things.
10 years

Measure stomach size?

Hmm, that is really cool. Crazy enough, but I never thought about the weighing thing for measuring food amount.
10 years

Force feminization/m2bbw

It is an interesting subject. I have always been tall and lean and loved really feminine women, with huge breasts and wide hips and big hanging bellies.

But there was a feedee hiding inside me all along. And although I have a very powerful masculine side, there is also a feminine side inside me that I love. And I think we all have these and depending which one we act out, we can appear more or less masculine or more or less feminine.

Now in my case, I noticed, surprise surprise, that I am getting breasts and since I am not that large yet, the prospect is to get really super large breasts when I start to gain more.

This is a wonderful gift and an unexpected one. They will never get as large as a big womans, but they don't need to and are sexy as they are.

Now I have noticed several things that seem to make you more female as a man:

1. The belly grows and makes you look pregnant.
2. Jiggle and wobble, all the muscle tone is replaced by jiggling and soft fat, you are getting softer.
3. The face gets riddled with fat, a double chin makes you look softer and fatter.
4. The breasts might grow larger than a thin womans.
5. Your FUPA (fat upper penis area) grows and your penis is starting to vanish into a area of growing fat, kinda like an artificial vagina, till it might be completely gone and only be visible when it gets hard. So in the end, it might look a little like a clitoris ;-)

I got all these details and it is exciting. Nr. 5 is scary and exciting at the same time. I have not read much on the subject yet, would love to hear your take about it.
I especially wonder what women (or men) think about 5, because since it is a natural occurrence, it must have lots of people that love it and prefer it.

Also, if you are having sex, this fat pushes against a vagina and clitoris in a woman, so it should be an exciting experience to have a little fat pillow there.

I'm not at all worried about my masculinity, since it is still there, with all these changes. And a man and a woman can look many different shapes, there is no one and only true shape. (The media, fashion industry and hollywood is totally wrong about what they show as the true and only beauty ideal)

Masculinity and power can be shown in many ways and one of them can be a huge belly and weight. And breasts seem to go with that, it just fits. If you look at a Sumo wrestler, you can see that very well.
10 years

Measure stomach size?


it has eluded me for the last decade how to reliably measure how much you can fit inside your stomach (mine and a female feedee's)
Did you find out any reliable ways to measure it?
Water does not work that well, as it seems to run through pretty fast too.

And I noticed that when you measure it, drink something and just do it for science so to speak, the stomach kinda contracts and is smaller than you think. It seems to feel that this is not really for digestion and food.
I have noticed that the stomach can be a very sensitive and mentally controlled organ, which opens up in the right circumstances and relaxes, while getting tight in others.
10 years

How to draw really fat women?


I'm a total beginner with drawing, but would love to draw pictures about the stories I write, because I see these women in my story before my minds eye.

Are there any tutorials anywhere how to draw really fat women? Are there some basic shapes that you can start with? It should all be kinda sphere based I figure.

I'm also curious if somebody has experience shaping and designing fat women in a Raytracer like Blender or Maya or 3D Max. For years, I have been dreaming about designing a woman in there that has a huge belly and where it also wobbles and jiggles when she moves, which can be done with programs nowadays. I have seen it done for breasts, but never for a belly.

It would be super hot to then make a thin version of her and show how she is expanding and growing with a transition.
10 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

I have done experiments and never had a problem. But I was always careful and added salt to it and did not overdo it too much.

The important thing to remember is that water can kill you because water in the form that you drink it is not suitable for the body. The body has to add electrolytes to it to make it suitable to be in your body. So if you drink too much water, it will dilute these electrolytes and in the end, your blood will be similarily low in electrolytes and salt as the water, which is deadly to you. Because water interacts directly with the rest of the body (and a lot of the body is water), this can happen fast and be dangerous.

A good rule of thumb is to do this slowly, and if you start to feel strange or weird, stop.
Your body wants to tell you something at that point.

Being horny and sexually aroused can lead to overdoing stuff, when you are excited in the moment. And it is important to slow down and be careful, agreeing that you are entering new territory and that you likely don't know much about the subject, take it step by step because of this, and then you will always be safe.

I have done a lot of feeding with a feeding tube, on myself and feedees and never had a problem, because being careful and doing it slow, never ever forcing anything works really well for these things.
10 years

Bloating with water, how much is too much? (before you need to add something to it)

OniGumo wrote:
[quote]jockturnedgainer wrote

If you're going to do a liquid stuffing it's best to do it with a sports drink like gatoraide. Though this won't comepletely eliminate the effects of water intoxication, it helps. Plus if you drink to much of the sports drink, i/e enough to cause water intoxication, you're likely to vomit before it becomes a problem; which though messy can save your life

Whoa, I would not put my trust in a big corporation and their concotion that is designed primarily to further their bottom line and line the pockets of their investors, and not caring much about your health, probably using high fructose corn syrup and all kinds of ugly stuff. Also, these drinks contain vitamins and the vitamin dose is designed for normal consumption and massive consumption might lead to vitamin overdose and poisoning, which can be serious.

You can easily mix your own Gatorade, by using a mildly sweet drink and adding salt in a good mild concentration.
10 years