Too much?

It is easy for admirers to be conflicted too. First of all, I think it is absolutely sexy for a woman to keep gaining. But I also like going places with women, and if I was looking for a wife, I would probably have a diminished standard of living if she could not work.

When seeing pictures of women going from say 300 to 700, I find the 500 pound pictures the best. Yet I have a friend who is 780, and it is still erotic as hell to see her still gaining.
14 years

America's obesity epedemic, whats are your thoughts about it?

The medical researchers are trying to make a fortune out of it. They get more reseatrch money if it affects more people, so they lower the threshold of the definition of obesity. They get more research money if it is considered a disease, so they call obesity a disease. They get more research money if it is an epidemic, so they declare it an epidemic. They get more research money if it is contageous, so they called it contageous. It's all about the medical researchers and grant money, and big houses and Mercedes. Nothing else.

15 years

Body part


On Me and on women
15 years

I'm gone.

I really hate these "I'm taking my marbles and going home" threads
15 years