New say something nice thread!

Always lovely and sweet to people. smiley
11 years

Age checking

Never provided anything, so he was banned.
11 years

Age checking

Now here's a weird one I spotted earlier:
porcelaindoll 1 Dec 2012 18
Apparition'> (31-12-1969?) 29

[00:08:22] BandGuyFA > porcelaindoll: at only 18, you must have gained alot while you were younger. when did you really realize you wanted to gain on purpose? and loved it?
[00:08:34] LadyAdelaide has entered the room
[00:08:50] Tubby Tara > porcelaindoll: wow thank you ! I really am addicted to gaining and want to be much fatter
[00:08:58] Loveallsizes > LadyAdelaide: hi ladyadelaide how are you today?
[00:09:11] belly has entered the room
[00:09:18] BandGuyFA > Tubby Tara: words like addicted to gaining make it hard for us feeders to behave smiley
[00:09:22] LondonGuy: hi
[00:09:30] belly has left the room
[00:09:33] porcelaindoll > BandGuyFA: i am 450 i just got scales a few weeks ago. when i met my bf he showed me all this. i like the food and eating much as i want and excepting the weight
[00:09:38] captain_insanp > porcelaindoll: shouldn't be too hard with all the holidays, i know you will do it smiley
[00:09:47] porcelaindoll > Tubby Tara: hey no problem
[00:09:57] BandGuyFA > porcelaindoll: fair enough. how long have you been with him? and how old is he, if you don't mind me asking?
[00:10:06] Tubby Tara: sorry its just true. I love feeling myself get fatter. its weird
[00:10:08] porcelaindoll > captain_insanp: im a kept girl lol i have aholiday everyday
[00:10:17] BandGuyFA > Tubby Tara: good smiley
[00:10:30] Jakanddaxter625 has left the room
[00:10:48] lonipuffs has entered the room
[00:10:55] FatnessOne: hi all
[00:11:12] porcelaindoll > BandGuyFA: almost 2 years and 29
[00:11:25] 381yes > Skittles: had to eat, u ok
[00:11:47] BandGuyFA > porcelaindoll: so you were 16 and he was 27......interesting.
[00:11:55] Skittles > 381yes: Its cool I'm about to do the same here in a minute. My son is snacky anyways so going to take care of that
[00:12:15] BandGuyFA > Skittles: just make sure you snacky plenty too smiley
[00:12:32] mot8882: i have to get going. see you guys later
[00:12:32] captain_insanp > porcelaindoll: haha and a holiday meal everyday too, it appears smiley
[00:12:37] porcelaindoll > BandGuyFA: yeah until september i would turn 17

I think she's saying she's going to turn 17 this year? It's written rather cryptically. I should send her an age check nonetheless.
11 years

Fake profiles

Longpigfarmer wrote:
Are there any rules or policies?


Do we report the profile to the administrators?

This. People aren't permitted to use someone else's photos to present themselves as someone else, and they will be dealt with accordingly. If you see it, click the Red flag on their profile and make a short note about it for the appropriate site admins to investigate. smiley
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New video showcasing the Mega Evolutions:

There'll be an event Torchic holding some Blazikenite around launch, something to remember. Also a bit more info on them from Serebii, it seems you can only have one Mega Evolution on your team at a time, maybe:

With the official Japanese site update, a small note came out regarding further clarification on the Mega Evolutions. Within this site, it details that with Mega Evolutions, you can only have one Mega Evolution Pokémon in battle. It's not known whether it's talking about all of the battle, or just within your team. This is presumably to allow for a specific balance in the Pokémon. It also clarifies that the Pokémon will revert after the battle has ended, not within it itself when the battle finishes. We're still not 100% on the specifics of this new process, but we'll keep you updated as more information comes

Following their reveal over the last few days, The Pokémon Company has sent out a press release giving even more Mega Evolutions their details. This specifically focuses upon Mega Ampharos, Mega Absol &Mega Mawile. It also reveals that Mega Mawile's Defense and Special Defense stats are increase(d).
They have also revealed that the 2014 World Championships will be held in Washington D.C. Finally, it confirms that the Torchic distribution will run until the same day as in Japan, January 15th 2014
11 years

Age checking

Done. smiley 24 hour suspension with email about their age check/etc sent.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New info! The new Mewtwo has been revealed to be a 'Mega Evolution', and it's not the only Pokemon with one, though not all Pokemon will have one. It would appear they need to hold a Mega Stone to achieve the transformation, and the forms have different abilities and sometimes stat alterations, or different typings.

Mega Stones are a type of item like Evolutionary Stones and include specific items such as Blazikenite or Lucarionite. It would seem that the Blazikenite is not found within normal gameplay. Mega Evolutions are temporary, being only in battle.

New video here!:

Mega Blaziken (has Speed Boost), Mega Lucario (has Adaptability and increased attack), Mega Absol (has Magic Bounce and increased attack & speed).

Mega Mawile (has Huge Power and increased defense & special defense). It and normal Mawile are now Steel/Fairy type.

Mega Ampharos (has Mold Breaker) is shown here, and it is an Electric/Dragon type. Mega Mewtwo has the ability Insomnia.

Another new Gym Leader, Korrina. She apparently holds the key to understanding Mega Evolutions. She is also the Gym Leader of Shalour City, where the Tower of Mastery is.

And some more completely new Pokemon.
- Gogoat's pre-evolution, Skiddo. It is a Grass type, and has the ability Sap Sipper.
- Bunnelby, a Normal type. Has the ability Pick Up or the new ability Cheek Pouch. If a Pokémon with this Ability eats a Berry during battle, it will not only reap the benefit from the Berry, but the Pokémon will also be able to regain HP.
- Dedenne, an Electric/Fairy type. Has the abilities Pick Up or Cheek Pouch.

Also it seems they're finally acknowledging EVs/Effort Values openly now with Super Training:
11 years