Recent weight loss & rebound

That is very true. I knew one woman who was a little over 200 who was obsessed with being under 150. I lost contact with her. When I heard from her again, she had been close to 400 pounds. Of course, she is dieting again, and went down to 250, and back up to 300. She joined WW again, and swears "this time I will keep it off." I hope I don't lose contact with her when she hits 500.
15 years

Women with deep bellybuttons

amanduh wrote
trealfa83 wrote
amanduh wrote
my belly button is 12 inches deep!

Yeah right, Amanduh. For real?! That's hella awesome.

no. i was joking. i have the bellybutton of a 12 year old boy.

You better give it back. He may need it.
15 years

I just crested 1000 lbs!

I agree. Over 500 and no pictures is probably fake. 1000 pounds and no pictures is definitely fake.
15 years

Passengers requiring extra space ~

OK, in a city parking garage, should a handicap person pay extra for a handicap space, which requires more space around it?
15 years