Test drive a fat guy???

Have your hubby get big clothes and stuff himself. Maybe even rent a fat suit.
15 years

Advice for a friend

It seems that bettering her education, or looking for a better job should be a higher priority than gaining. If she gains, it will be only harder for her to find a job. So she should get a good job, then worry about gaining.
15 years

Birthday thread!

cause who doesnt like birthdays

Those of us over 40. Maybe even over 30.
15 years

The scales at the doctors

You profiles says you weigh 315. So, if you were 120 3 years ago, you gained 195 pounds in 3 years?
15 years

28 bucks of arbys...

It's nice to see a fat avatar. It makes no sense for someone who weighs 300 pounds (more or less) to have a thin one.
15 years