Pokemon! ^_^

Fairy type is official.

That's right, all the speculation was correct, there is a new Pokemon type, Sylveon belongs to it, and it is the Fairy type. Not much is known about it so far, except that it is super-effective against Dragon. Think a fairy-magic enchanted sword used to slay a dragon I guess.

Just as Magnemite and Magneton were made into Electric/Steel types when Dark and Steel were introduced in Gen II, some older Pokemon are being remade as Fairy types also. Jigglypuff will be Normal/Fairy, Gardevoir will be Psychic/Fairy, and Marill will be Water/Fairy. There may be more of course but that's all the info they've released so far. Moves include Moonblast and Fairy Wind.

Also you can pet and feed Pokemon with the new Pokemon-amie feature too. Larger Pokemon like Snorlax take up both screens.

Other new Pokemon include Skrelp (Poison/Water), Clauncher (Water), and Fletchling's evolution Talonflame (Fire/Flying).

Also Vilvillon (Bug/Flying) and Noivern (Flying/Dragon).

Plus the lion cub, Litleo (Normal/Fire) and a tiny fairy clinging to a flower, Flabébé (Fairy).


Plus, new types of battles! Horde Encounters are a new type of wild battle - 5 on 1. These may include Pokémon of multiple species rather than just one, too. Also Sky Battles, though only Flying-types and Levitators can participate in these.

11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

Well firstly he hasn't been on for two weeks at the time of writing so... I do wonder if he has seen any of this.

Firstly, guilt. I ask; what's causing the guilt? softgirl made a good post about this. If it's because of what society tells you, screw society. It's just a form of indoctrination by them... conditioning. Telling people every day that being big is wrong/etc. You know in your heart what you like, and no doubt your body knows what it likes too. Listen to those instead, not what society tells you about it. If you feel guilt, you may well need to reassess yourself and decide whether those thoughts of guilt are truly your own and not just society's whole negative trip put in there. Indeed, a feedee or a gainer is perfectly able to make choices regarding their own body and health. It's their life, their health, their body, their choice. Don't feel guilty about it.

I'll say that hiding the fondness for the weightgain part is fine. That's fetishy, and people who like leather or balloons don't go around advertising it after all. That's all for the bedroom. But it is not okay to hide an attraction to and desire for bigger people, no. They're a person, not a fetish, even if you have a fetish for fat and softness itself. They are not something to feel guilty about, not something to just hide away.

It doesn't mean you need to start shouting it out with a megaphone to the whole world, no, just... not to hide it. Don't be afraid to go out with a bigger person, don't hide them from your family or your friends, or the public or co-workers or anyone. If they make comments about the weight, tell them politely or not-so-politely to back off.

I will take a quote from Oni here:

OniGumo wrote:
I have a feeling what you're fearing is ridicule from those you'd count among your friends. And probably more importantly your family. So I'm going to tell you something I tell a lot of people, I say it so much that to my own mind it feels used up, but...If they really care about you, the real you, they won't judge you for liking fat women. And if they do judge you, that's your cue to kick them to the curb because you don't need them if they can't handle the real you.

For most people, family and friends probably won't even get worked up about it, they'll likely be all "sure, that's cool" at the least and be happy for you. Some few do get worked up about it, I don't deny that, I've seen it happen with some people's families, even if it's comparatively rare and something that most won't have to worry about. If you are, however, someone unlucky enough to get stuck with people like that, who won't let you be yourself, who won't let up on their crap, then yeah, it's your cue to kick them to the curb. They're toxic and they aren't worth it. You can't live your whole life doing what they want.

If they give enough of a damn about you, they will let it go, or not worry about it in the first place. If they don't, it shows they sure as hell don't really care about what you want in life as your own person. And it'd be time for them to go. It's something that's not always easy, but something that must be done. If they won't bend, you don't have to keep taking it. Go. Make your own family, seek out new friends, whatever you must do to live a life free of those who only care to bind you. It's not an easy road if you find yourself in this situation, no. But it's worth it to prove to yourself how strong you are and that you aren't afraid to be yourself.
11 years

Need some advice

Newbiana wrote:
This will probably make me very unpopular, but I just had to say it. Read through the above posts and tell me if I missed anything, but it seems to me that everyone is telling the OP how to make his wife happy. What about the OP? Why is this happiness thing so one sided? Why should he make all the effort and be the one to try to change his expectations, change his ideas about what he likes, freaking hypnotize himself into thinking his wife is still sexy, change himself, change himself, change himself. Do we see a pattern here?

Because she has to change her very own physical body for him to satisfy his passions. It's not like she knew he only preferred her bigger all along and lost weight knowing this. People still have to respect what someone does with their own body. Also some of the posts were about ways to help convince her to be more comfortable with being bigger, not just to make him bend and 'make her happy'. I've seen this kind of thing many times before and... it can be a very difficult situation, yes. If things don't work out with a couple in this kind of situation, then they may need to part ways.

But it now sounds like things might turn out positively after all in this particular case; she's not weirded out at all and she understands, and she's even decided to put some on for him. So the outcome looks bright, and I wish them the best of luck. smiley
11 years

Age checking

MayaMayaMaya namayabell@yahoo.com 27 May 2013 20

Stated "Hello chat me just a thcik 15 y.o girll" and was under the impression it was a teen chat.
11 years

Favorite super villan

OniGumo wrote:
^^ Is that from Mystery Men? (it rings a slight bell)

You would be correct ( at around 1:00). smiley
11 years

Favorite super villan

Casanova Frankenstein. Now there was a supervillain. You know he just... he got those eyes, you know... and that voice - what pure evil.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Okay! Bigger update, more new Pokemon/etc.

New trailer here!:

Pokemon X and Y will be set in the Kalos region, which is based on France. The big city in the center is Lumiose City, which is based on Paris, complete with tall tower.

Proper artwork of the playable characters:

For the first time it seems we can pick different skin tones and hair colours for them too:

New Pokemon! The panda one is Pancham, a Fighting type (Kung Fu Panda anyone? lol). The Japanese Robin one is Fletchling, a Normal/Flying type. The lizardy one is Helioptile, an Electric/Normal type. The goat one is Gogoat, a Grass type.

It would seem that you can ride Gogoat around Lumiose City as well - does this mean that we can ride other Pokemon too? And can we ride them elsewhere? We will see.

And lastly, the English box arts:

11 years