Short hair on girls

I don't like short hair on women at all. I think it is very masculine looking. As a matter of fact, even being an FA, I would rather have a thin women with long hair than a fat women with short hair. Not to say that the hair has to be extremely long.
15 years

Most unbelieveable lies

What is the most unbelievable lie that a fake has told you?

I have two.

1) "I am 200 pounds (5'10"smiley and had to have the doors widened in my house"

2) "I am 250 pounds" "Where do you buy your clothes?" "At the 5-7-9 Shop"
15 years

Kind of a losing-gaining dilemma... help!


I have met a fair number of people who have purposely regained weight after dieting because they did not like being thin. So you are not alone.

I can understand enjoying the compliments, but to me, these compliments are empty. Why are people judged the numbers on the scale? Why is it that Oprah went from the inner city of Baltimore to the richest woman in the US, only to be judged about how much weight she's lost or gained?

It isn't always easy being fat. But I think someone who can succeed despite being fat is the one who desrves praise. Someone who come across as being pretty, smart, and in control.

But the main thing is that you have to do what feels good to you, not what others think. If you find someone now who likes you mainly because you are thin, you will never be able to regain the weight without risking the relationship. So, if you enjoy being fat, go for it.
15 years

A new game for feeders

Wow, I haven't seen a game like that since the arcade game "Big Bertha," where you throw things into her mouth, and her dress expands. She keeps yelling "feed me."
15 years

Bbws now illegal in japan

What about Sumo Wrestlers? Aren't they from Japan?
16 years