All my girlfriends get fat

joswitch wrote:
And it's plain and obvious to the woman in question too.

So it's not "secret" feeding.

Because it's NOT a friggin' secret to whoever is eating the food and getting fat... that... they're eating the food and getting fat.

Secret feeding is doctoring people's food with supplements or whatever.

OP's actions could be described as somewhat manipulative, but in no way are they "secret".

Hmm, been ages since I've seen this topic... well, from your perspective, would you say he was doing a good thing to those women then, or a bad thing? Would you say he was being predatory or not? Would you call it 'subtle feeding/manipulative feeding/etc' or something else entirely?
11 years

Stolen pics used on fb page

I have spoken about this in the past when discussing closet FA's actually... there's nothing wrong with concealing a sexual fetish from people, but there is something wrong with concealing an entire person from one's friends/family, which is what closet FA's do.

It's not like people of other fetishes regularly go out in public and tell people they like leather or balloons and I'm pretty sure they live their lives just fine with it being a delightful and erotic secret.
11 years

Stolen pics used on fb page

wesleyv1 wrote:
I'm sorry but...what

You asked if I had fb photos I said yes I even gave my fb name to confirm this

And you completely ignore it


Back to my point

he's not doing any harm however I do suggest that the owner of said pics messages him about it though

Look, I'll clear it up a bit, she was asking you a rhetorical question. Let me rephrase and expand it:

Layla: Are there photos of you on that guy's particular Facebook site/page? Have you had photos stolen and put up on display by someone else before? If not, then who are you to say it's okay for this guy to take photos of people from FF and put them on his page?

You don't know what it feels like for your photos to be stolen and/or used, so I don't think you can effectively judge in this situation and you should be quiet if you cannot judge effectively.

That's what she was trying to say. She wasn't asking if you had photos on your own Facebook page... because they'd be in your own possession and thus obviously not a problem, so there's no reason for her to ask about that within the context of this topic, which is about stolen photos.
11 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

foxglove wrote:
So I got a message today from a 20-year old male (I'm 42) which was straight to the point, just two words:

"Cup size??"

Now if a 20-year old lad came up to me in a bar or club and said that, I'd pretty much consider slapping him, or maybe if I were being kind, telling him to f*ck right off. What is it about the internet that makes people think that's an acceptable opening line?!

(BTW I'm not saying he owes me anything for being twice his age, I'm just saying... inappropriate!! and... weird).

Some other people have received that exact same PM. So original and thoughtful of him. smiley
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Mattachu wrote:
Its Japanese name - Ninfia - sounds like it comes from the word nymph, plus its English name is Sylveon, like sylph - a wind spirit - so my guess is flying. Also, the diagram of all the current Eeveelutions on the website shows each of them opposite one with a type advantage, and Sylveon is opposite Jolteon (thanks to Pokémemes for that little hint)

Interesting point. smiley Yes, some have said Sylveon reminds them of a kite, and looking at it it's got some things that resemble streamers on it. Also seemed to have a breeze blowing around it in that video, though it could have just been in set in a windy area. Unless that was a subtle clue in itself. It doesn't seem to be able to fly, but Flying does double as the 'Wind' type in the game. Rotom-F and Gyarados both lack proper flight, for example. Although Doduo and Dodrio are forever baffling, haha.

Technicolour wrote:
i know i'm way late to the party but i recently acquired seven B&W themed happened to the actual pokemon? All this EX stuff is unnecessary...and Yamask/Confagrius? Worst pokemon ever. but there are some cool things...i just miss Basic, Fossil and Jungle.

Time marched on I guess. =x Collectable card games always have lots and lots of cards come out regularly, so they need to invent a load of new ones. There's been 56 sets of Pokemon cards so far (54 in Japan).
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New Eeveelution:

Update: It's English name is Sylveon. It's not known what it's typing is though.

YouTube vid here:
11 years