Pokemon! ^_^

gamefreaks17 wrote
I told myself I wasn't going to buy any more Pokemon games. That I was too old for them, that the formula was repetitive to point of being unfun, that I broke my old DS lite so I'd have nothing to play it on...

I purchased SoulSilver (and a used DS lite) the first week of release.
I regret nothing!

lol, the repetitiveness is what keeps it alive in my opinion, anyone could leave it for 10 years and pick up right where they left, plus as i've heard Satoshi say in an interview, there is an inhuman drive in all of us to...

14 years

The pledge that changed my life

sarastrange wrote
i love this pledge!

lol I had actually forgotten about it, shame cause it certainly would have helped through some recent times of doubt...

Thanks for bringing it back to our attention smiley
14 years

Gaining while you sleep

lovely_plumper wrote
Gderandich2 wrote
But if you go to sleep; particulary after having binged; your digestion is much slower1 Therefore, eventually you will gain faster!smileysmiley

I would stuff myself very full and wake up like 4-5 hours later and still feel bloated but I would drag myself out of bed and go to work feeling terrible because I wasn't able to sleep long enough to digest all the food I ate....so yeahhh 3 hours deff is not enough

lol to be honest i think the OP cares more about chics getting fatter rather then them feeling good by having a decent nights sleep... smiley
14 years

Confessions pt. 2

Nobody213 wrote
Maximum wrote
Nobody213 wrote
There is someone i want to talk to but i have nothing to say to her. When i see that she is online i stay but i don't say anything to her. I feel like a husk of what i was before. I have lost interest in everything around me, i try to keep myself busy to not think about her but in the end when i'm trying to sleep i end up thinking of her.

Hmm, i don't know the specifics, bt lines like "i've lost interest in everything around me" makes me think you should see a dr...

I have no interest in seeing a doctor.

No worries, was just my thoughts smiley
14 years

Age checking

I'm almost positive that i've seen this face on here before:


Even more certain that she left because she was found to be underage.

Should be looked into, I have no idea what her previous names were, the face just stands out.

14 years

Your weird dreams?

I dreamt about her* last night, first time in ages, i don't really dream at all anymore...

Her Husband was in hospital, it was bad, and all around me was everyone else who had ever chased her, some going after her, some him, all with the same thought "she will be mine"

And I was there too, and i wanted to join in, not miss out on my chance...

I woke up hating myself, I still am, I thought I moved on, what a horribly jealous and vindictive dream...

*Don't worry, its no one on here or that anyone would know...
14 years

Confessions pt. 2

Nobody213 wrote
There is someone i want to talk to but i have nothing to say to her. When i see that she is online i stay but i don't say anything to her. I feel like a husk of what i was before. I have lost interest in everything around me, i try to keep myself busy to not think about her but in the end when i'm trying to sleep i end up thinking of her.

Hmm, i don't know the specifics, bt lines like "i've lost interest in everything around me" makes me think you should see a dr...
14 years