Pokemon! ^_^

AngelStryker wrote
Raichu's my favorite.

But who wouldn't want a marching duck pokémon?! (Farfetch'd, of course)

I hear they are quite good with leek...

14 years

Possibly an odd question?

you_need_food1 wrote
surely the answer is to put some more weight on in that area? Then the fat will kind of rotate rather then rub and chafe.


that is such a typical guy answer for this place...

14 years

How to gain instructional vid

Eating what they eat tends to be pretty healthy, aside from the large amounts of beer they have.

Though i don't think its very fun, like this vegetable stew thing they eat every single meal...


That turned me off becoming a Sumo, well that and the way they are more like horses in a stable rather then elite athletes, only the best get star treatment...
14 years

I think my friend is trying to fatten me up...thoughts?

GluttonyCat wrote
What i would do to perhaps test the waters with your friend is maybe ask her to pick up some fattening foods for you when she comes over to your place and see if she does it or even gets you more than what you ask for. Maybe leave obvious signs of you snacking out where she can see it. Or just eat a lot of food whenever you go on dates with her. If she doesn't mind or even encourages it, then you may have won the fetish lottery dude.

I always come up two numbers short in that fetish lottery, i can't even get the damn supplementry prize!

14 years

I think my friend is trying to fatten me up...thoughts?

lol you all say maybe she just likes him like its a bad thing...

I know i'd be much happier to know she had a genuine romantic interest in me, rather then a fetish based attraction.
14 years

Public affection and eating

lol food courts are the hottest places ever...
14 years

I wish...

Don't worry about it, sometimes this thing just has to remain a fantasy, you look wonderful as you are, don't worry about the horny guys on here telling you to fatten up, your fine. smiley
14 years