You wish your friend/acquaintance gained weight!

lol about every pretty girl i see would look better with some more weight on them, some more so then others and some even appear to have foodee tendencies...

lol not something i'd ever force on someone, but yeah, in dream world, every girl is waddling around lol.

14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Beware, the Champ is here!

lol Pokemon, are one of my few true passions.

All time favourite has to go to Mawile, shes just so cute and tough!

As for teams, I can never decide with any finality for long...

But dream team is:


I hate legendary pokemon BTW, i reckon no one should be allowed to have them, they are legendary for a reason...

Other notable mentions include:

Scyther, Vaporeon, Belossom, Froslass, Electrode, Espeon, Starmie, Arbok, Raticate, Pidgeot.

Oh and Chatot, my second fave behind Mawile!


I wonder if gifs would work on here...

14 years


14 years

Age checking

Amatrix wrote
Tors sent the picture mods an abuse report...
Abuse report (9 hours ago), from Tors, about a pic

Displays as 18 but incredibly young looking, especially in this pic. Could be an old one though.

and I agree...
here is a link to the profile of the young looking lady.

I have to agree, though she has a pic of a graduation...

she may be just 18, but she is one young looking 18yr old...
14 years

Shaving down there?? help...i

Whoa, what IS this?

scary as...

I got no experience with this stuff, so however you are, i'll assume thats normal, so no need to worry with me lol.

once again

14 years

Fat partner lies about weight?

shazzy wrote
Look its not the end of the world, jeez its only 20lbs ive sneezed more than that before :S


you are so awesome xD
14 years