Yup, my breathing is shallower too. And I definitely get out of breath more easily. But there is something I like about it... i guess its the idea that I used to be fit and just let go so much that my fat is affecting everything.
8 years
This is one of my favorite things about getting fat... feeling its effects on everything. I like feeling how my belly gets in the way when i try to bend over to tie my shoes or pick up something on the floor. I also get a little out of breath from it. Getting in and out of the car is another... just a lot more work and maneuvering. Obviously exertion is more difficult, such as getting out of breath from just a few stairs or after short walks. Not to mention its harder to put on old clothes
8 years
I havent measured in a while but I think its 5 inches or so... 49 versus 44... I have big love handles
8 years
I stuffed almost every meal for a week once and gained about 8 lbs of real fat... not just from being full. I probably could have pushed it a little more to say 10 lbs but thats about the fastest I can gain. No matter how much you gain, its fun eating so much
8 years
I've never been in a feeding relationship but I like the idea because of the indulgence, gluttony, and nurturing aspects. I also like to see the gain over time
8 years
I've been on here a while and gained on and off, but overall I've put on about 70 lbs since being on this site
8 years
I think they are sexy. I like that they highlight where someone has gained a lot.
8 years
I pig out all the time. Recently I ate an entire XL pizza plus a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting... and could have eaten more! Ive eaten 5000 calories in a single sitting a few times. Its fun being a fatty
8 years
I feel like I have reached a point of no return. I used to periodically gain and lose between 180 and 220 lbs, but earlier this year I intentionally gained up to 250 and since then it has been impossible to stay under 240! I really thought I would just lose the weight I gained intentionally but its not happening.
8 years
I gained 25-30 this year... started around 220 got to 251 and now im 245
8 years