Be carefull with what you wish for

Have you two ever talked about her weight in any shape or form? Jut to know how she feels about it, does she like it, does she hate it, is she indifferent? Has she ever approached you about the topic, did she ever make any comments about her weight or her eating habits?
5 years

Do you speak openly about your fetish with anyone?

Yes, but only as a preference.

Which it really is, I can be attracted to thin women as well. Much less likely, but it can happen.
5 years

Using numbers in weight gain stories

What absolutely ruins a story is when the measurements are listed in the first few sentences. This has always been, in my experience, the indicator of an awfully written story. Please provide counterexamples if you know some.

Whether to include numbers at all? It depends. It's the same as with any literary trope: include them if, and only if, they serve a role in supporting the story. If they add something to it in a meaningful way.

In my story "More than an ideal" I deliberately used numbers quite often, because it was important to the story. The story is set over a relatively long period of time, the numbers are important to the characters, and some plot points are depending on them.

In my other stories I usually avoid numbers completely.

I would suggest using numbers if they serve an important role, but never use them as the primary description of a character. Especially don't put their first appearance sooner in the story than visual descriptions.

Also, don't use numbers alone without visual descriptions. I've never ever seen a good (or even mediocre) story which relied solely on numbers and never or very rarely used visual descriptions.
5 years

What do you think of video game characters becoming fat?

I lime this idea but would like to an app or computer game that you can play and explore fedderisum and related topics. Just just because there are very few or no good games about this

I've seen a few but they are of incredibly low quality.
5 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

We shoudln't always think in extremes. Completely hiding it, or starting a fetish talk at the first opportunity are just asking for trouble.

Communication is always two-directional. You have to make sure they understand your point of view.

If there is an opportunity, I always tell that weight is not the only factor in attractiveness and there are many women with some extra weight who I find attractive. If they seem acceptive, I might raise the odds a little, by telling that there are some women whom some extra weight might even make a little more attractive.

And I'm not lying, just being fat is not the only source of attractiveness. (just like a regular average non-FA guy doesn't fall in love with each and every thin woman)

I never had negative reactions about it, despite being in Europe.
5 years

As a fa, does the cause why someone is fat, influence your level of attraction?

There can be several reasons why someone has a lot of extra weight. Of course, they are not exclusive, one can have many of them at the same time.

A.) Genetics, hard to lose weight and easy to gain

B.) Just being lazy and hedonistic

C.) Actually loving food, and accepting the consequences. Eating delicious food is the most pleasurable thing.

D.) Having an insatiable hunger, and uncontrollable food cravings.

E.) Comfort eating due to mood swings.

F.) Food addiction, wanting to stop but being unable to.

G.) Getting fat in order to please you.

H.) Getting fat as an act of rebellion (against parents or ex who wanted to have too much control over the eating habits)

I.) Being sexually turned on by the process of eating and stuffing

J.) Being sexually turned on by being fat and becoming bigger.

Does someone having these traits influence the level of attractiveness? If so, which are the most important ones?
(for me, C and D are the biggest turn-ons, followed by milder versions of I and J, although a too extreme J might scare me a little. I could also enjoy A but mostly if coupled with some of the above)
5 years

Story quality lacking

I don't believe any form of "gatekeeper" is required other than basic monitoring to ensure that stories that are posted are appropriate, but to dig down and check for spelling, grammar, etc., no no no, this is not school where you get red ink over a badly prepared story and have to repeat it until you get it right. Instead this is a place that encourages to you post what your mind can create, however that manifests.

There could be other solutions besides banning poorer quality stories entirely.

It would be useful if people had a possibility to find those which have literary quality, instead of fishing through individually in a sea of junk.
5 years

Story quality lacking

... a community, when people contribute. People will stop sending them if they are judged using the standards of sites where writing is expected to be of some exemplary form.

Of course we shouldn't expect Pulitzer Prize quality, but there has to be a middle ground.

If the quality wouldn't get a 12 year old a passing grade in English class, it should have no place here. I'm not even talking about a good grade, just a passing grade.
5 years

Why is one sister often heavier than the other?

However, according to my experience, sisters more often have similar weights than not.

Most sisters I know, are either all thin, or all fat. I know very few exceptions where one is significantly fatter than the other.
5 years

Why is one sister often heavier than the other?

It's not solely about genetics. Even then, unless they are identical twins, they are not genetically identical.

But even if they were, weight is not decided by genetics alone. They might have different lifestyles, different circles of friends, and encounter different events during their lives which might influence their lifestyles.

(I recently explored this in my story "Riddle with sister" )
5 years