Health risks with rapid weight gain?

No real health problems as such generally.Diabetes and hypertension are health problems of gaining generally (I have both).It's more that your body can't adapt quickly enough to the extra weight,so your back,knees etc will hurt probably and you might get some acid reflux if prone to that.
6 years

Afraid of health problem

Everyone's different....some get loads of issues,some a few and some none.
The best thing you can do is look as far back and as wide as you can within your family and see if there's any high incidence of things like diabetes,high blood pressure etc.
Getting fatter is NOT going to improve your health,it'll either make no difference or make it worse.If that's you,don't do it...if a love of food or fat outweigh that in your own mind,go for it 😊
6 years

Is it bad to be addicted to fat?

I am...can't see anything bad about it 😊
7 years

Acne from weight gain?

No,it's just your age.I had bad acne from 15 to about 23.It would flare up from time to time...nothing to do with weight gain.
It's a commonly believed myth that it has a dietary cause eg greasy skin through eating greasy food! Nothing to do with's hormones and your age.
7 years

Avoiding heart burn/acid reflux?

Finally Fat:
Soda for burps. Settles stomach too.

Sleep on your left side. Wife is a nurse. A fat nurse. She told me this and it works.

Avoid tomato sauce.
the left side thing really does work!
7 years

Fat then food?

It certainly started out by wanting to get fatter, much fatter. But I was not that far into gaining when I started to become seriously addicted to junk food and sugar-full carbonated drinks. If anything the craving has just become stronger as time goes by. So eating is a very big compulsion, particularly as gaining is less of a motivation once you are seriously obese as I am.
7 years

How does it feel to be obese?

This is just a currious question from an aspiring male wanting to become obese, what is ir like for you guys and/or girls to be 250 pounds or heavier? how does it feel? and do you have many (if any) health complication due to your massive size? I'd imagine you all love the feeling! I mean, none of you would be here if you didn't!
Having been slim (170lbs) and now obese (290lbs),I think I can answer this.
Pick up a 1lb bag of say sugar.Feel it in your hand.Now imagine 120 of those filled into a fat suit and the fat suit fitted to you.
But,it's not that dramatic, as weight goes con over a period of time,so your body adjusts.It's like being in a bath and slowly adding more hot water as opposed to the shock of plunging into a very hot bath.
How it feels when you get there is exhausting.You can't walk anything like as fast as a non obese person or as far.Imagine not being able to run,only walking like half a mile slowly and then having to stop and sit to rest,back aching,panting for air and sweating even in cool weather.Imagine not being able to reach down to put socks on/cut toenails.Imagine everything being hard work and taking longer.
Not everyone is affected the same,but we all have those vthings to some extent.
As for health problems,I have high blood pressure,cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.Doesn't affect how I feel day to day.But imagine a life where you have to go to the doctor regularly and take medication daily for the rest of your life.With illnesses,not everyone gets all of them (I have no joint pain or sleep appear...yet at least) and some clearly have more of an effect on everyday life than others.
I hope that gives you an idea.Be prepared for A LOT of sweating!lol
7 years

Can't stop thinking about weight gain

It's my life.It's my dream.It's in my head constantly.I care about it more than anything else.Obsessed!
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

Yeah I know and this turn me on so much!😍😍😍

Me too!!😍

That's why are two growing fatties, my friend 🍩🍩
Indeed we are 🍝🍕🍨🍧🍦🍰
7 years